#microformats 2016-02-16

2016-02-16 UTC
tantek, KartikPrabhu, fuzzyhorns, netweb, gRegorLove, dogada, rhiaro_, iwaim, arthurspooner, sknebel, nitot, adactio, Erkan_Yilmaz, TallTed and Chordachi joined the channel
fuzzyhorns and uf-wiki-visitor joined the channel
RT @hastags Microformats Added: I knew that microformats were easy to implement, but the tagging microformat has to .. https://hashtags.wordpress.com/2007/12/22/microformats-added/
fuzzyhorns, tantek and gordonb joined the channel
Yunno what would be pretty great? If h-card was implemented in #Android so the world could dump vcard (it's awful): http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card
edited /h-cite (+51) "add "and other" to summary to imply the spread of h-cite beyond just online publications, drop microformtas-new (we're not using it anymore), e.g. book in Offline Citations"
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edited /h-cite (+88) "/* Examples in the wild */ see also examples documented at https://indiewebcamp.com/h-cite#Indieweb_examples"
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gordonb, fuzzyhorns and gRegorLove joined the channel
fuzzyhorns joined the channel