KartikPrabhu, fuzzyhorns, gRegorLove, davidmead, tantek and dogada joined the channel
#dogadauf-wiki-visitor: schema.org microformats used by Google supports several breadcrumbs on single page
#Loqidogada: aaronpk left you a message on 2/12 at 2:59pm: shoot, I suspect the server can't speak your SSL. I'll be moving pin13.net to a new server soon which should fix that problem.
#KartikPrabhuit doesn't walk like a duck, because microformats parsers don't parse RDFa syntax
#KartikPrabhueven if it is mentioned on the microformats wiki as an alternative/prior attempts at breadcrumbs
termie, gRegorLove and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
#dogadaGot strange issue with brid.gy after I added h-breadcrumb microformat to my blog. Page now has both h-breadcrumb and h-entry (for example please see https://dogada.org/dvd/blog/implemented-breadcrumbs) but when I try to publish it via brid.gy, it offers me to use text from h-breadcrumb and not from h-entry. Is it correct?
#tantekKevinMarks: wow what?!? "Apply .float-left whenever you need something floated left, and you won’t end up filling stylesheets with repeated float: left;"
#tantekseriously? this sounds like a hack to workaround putting in inline style attributes on elements
#tantekI wonder if we have to black list certain u-*- prefixes
#tantekwow they're even mixing '-' and camelCase ?!?
#tanteka-ha, perhaps we can use that to our advantage to filter them out
#tantekpretty sure I documented an "all lowercase hyphenated words" convention somewhere for microformats
#tantekwe could have parsers MUST IGNORE u-* properties where the * is camelCased
#KevinMarkswell, to an extent it doesn't matter too much, as we aren't looking for those properties
#tantekKevinMarks, tommorris, gRegorLove, kylewm, aaronpk and anyone else actively working on / using mf2 parsers - what do you think of: "parsers MUST IGNORE u-* properties where the * is camelCased"