#microformats 2016-05-16

2016-05-16 UTC
nitot and laughinghan joined the channel
Writing a "non-technical" definition of microformats is kind of fun. Trying to shorten it up to fit in a twitter... not so much.
tantek, laughinghan, nitot, dogada, KartikPrabhu and rrix joined the channel
evenings. I'm implementing h-review in Arcology right now and having a lot of the same thoughts re the property names as the unaddressed feedback here http://microformats.org/wiki/h-review-feedback... tantek: what is the process for amending things like that? no one on IWC wiki has been called out as using the microformat http://indiewebcamp.com/review
nitot, tantek, Garbee and TallTed joined the channel
Microformats for non-techies: colours on a Web page for things such as "date" and "telephone number" which only computers can see
edited /h-review-feedback (+260) "/* Consistency with other microformats */ +1"
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nitot, tantek and dogada joined the channel
Just launched vCards and hCard microformats on MyBlogLog profiles. W00t!
gRegorLove, KevinMarks, laughinghan, KartikPrabhu, tantek and JohnBeales joined the channel
tweaks more XSLT code for microformats goodness. Trys to dynamically create blogroll from hCards/XFNs on his social networks buddies pages.
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+351) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
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and let's see if that example is legit - trying pin13 on it
hmm no items found in either homepage or cited /about/
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (-351) "Undo revision 65520 by Beyondremovals. none of the URLs provided had h-cards. Please test for items with Pin13.net e.g. http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http://www.beyondremovals.co.uk/about/ before adding!"
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JohnBeales joined the channel
Schema / Microformats: *Structured Data Testing Tool *Bing Markup *Yandex-Structured Data Validator
JohnBeales, JohnBeal_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
laughinghan joined the channel
actually... @davewiner i was thinking of "microformats". didn't you suggest something like that eons ago?
another generic use of microformats ^
laughinghan, KartikPrabhu, miklb, ben_thatmustbeme and tantek joined the channel