#microformats 2016-05-17

2016-05-17 UTC
laughinghan, sagerdearia and tantek joined the channel
edited /hcard-advocacy-fr (+20) "/* Profils en ligne */"
(view diff)
dogada, Garbee and nitot joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
Schema / Microformats: *Just because microformats do not exist does not mean it is loosing a lot in search engine ranking.
Schema / Microformats: *Microformats help out more in SERP appearance, help triggering rich snippets, and knowledge graphs.
Schema / Microformats: *Rich snippets descriptions & knowledge graphs may or may not be helping you gain website traffic.
TallTed joined the channel
Schema / Microformats: *Microformats though not a strong ranking factor, if it helps improve clickthrough rates,... https://www.facebook.com/MBConsultingNJSEOExperts/posts/10153619602149033
has heeded Jeremy's advice and added microformats to his RSS stream. Nice.
tantek, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, miklb and laughinghan joined the channel
VAULT | 4Jan14: Where is the best place to learn about microformats? Q&A: http://dumbseoquestions.com/q/where_is_the_best_place_to_learn_about_microformats #DSQLive #SEO
laughinghan joined the channel
MacTed, gRegorLove, laughinghan, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel