#microformats 2016-05-20

2016-05-20 UTC
laughinghan joined the channel
this is why it's important that every microformat, every property have a solid real world use-case that's demonstrated with evidence: https://twitter.com/alanjmcf/status/733403296057184257
[@alanjmcf] @marypcbuk Once spent ages micro/etc tagging website. User count=0.
laughinghan, KartikPrabhu, tantek and dogada joined the channel
New #WPtrac > https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/30783#comment:27 > Ticket #30783 (Support Microformats 2) closed #WordPress
nitot_, nitot and M-RyanRix joined the channel
New #WPorgSupport > https://wordpress.org/support/topic/url-36#post-8425708 > Hesham Zebida on "[Plugin: Author hReview] Url"
New #WPorgSupport > https://wordpress.org/support/topic/author-missing-from-amp-pages#post-8425729 > Hesham Zebida on "[Plugin: Author hReview] Author missing from AMP pages"
Chordachi, nitot, Garbee and xenthree3 joined the channel
@cdevroe No worries. If you use the newer h-entry (Microformats 2) with e-content, then the formatting will come through at my end.
New #WPorgSupport > https://wordpress.org/support/topic/author-missing-from-amp-pages#post-8426886 > laserjobs on "[Plugin: Author hReview] Author missing from AMP pages"
New #WPorgSupport > https://wordpress.org/support/topic/great-review-plugin-and-responsive-author#post-8426894 > laserjobs on "[Plugin: Author hReview] Great review plugin and responsive author"
Google Offers New Ways to help You Dominate in SERPs - Microformats! #serp #Google #microformats https://www.hillwebcreations.com/how-to-win-rich-snippet-search-results/
Are Microformats still a thing?
tantek, KartikPrabhu, dogada and laughinghan joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /value-class-pattern (+439) "/* Parsing value from a title attribute */ warning use <data> instead"
(view diff)
edited /value-class-pattern (+139) "/* limited use of value-title */ note, limit applies to data element too"
(view diff)
laughinghan and tantek joined the channel