#microformats 2016-05-19

2016-05-19 UTC
KevinMarks, tantek, laughinghan, andicascadesf and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /hcard-advocacy-fr (+27) "/* Profils en ligne */"
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andicascadesf joined the channel
dogada, MeanderingCode, tantek, laughinghan, termie, KevinMarks, Garbee, ben_thatmustbeme and TallTed joined the channel
New #WPorgSupport > https://wordpress.org/support/topic/author-missing-from-amp-pages#post-8422239 > laserjobs on "[Plugin: Author hReview] Author missing from AMP pages"
KevinMarks, tantek, gRegorLove, dogada, willnorris, laughinghan and Loqi joined the channel
Reminiscing about the push for semantic HTML and microformats, referring visitors to download standards-compliant browsers, and loving XHTML
edited /microformats2-parsing-issues (+69) "/* default generated HTML */ link to working granary mf2 JSON to HTML converter"
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@alanjmcf ooh, the Hailstorm, smart tag, microformats debate; always one of my favourites
laughinghan joined the channel