#microformats 2016-06-14

2016-06-14 UTC
bret, JohnBeales, sagerdearia, KartikPrabhu, tantek, miklb, nitot_, Garbee, pfefferle, adactio, TallTed, nitot, Yilmaz_Erkan, gRegorLove, Erkan_here and Guest13791 joined the channel
Our #html5 framework now contains #seo, #microformats, proxy proof #websockets. We keep on improving your #webapp! #UKHashtags #BTRTG
miklb, Erkan_Yilmaz, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
What’s up with @microformats? Dead on the vine? No web, blog, wiki update in ages. Pls correct me if wrong. #webdesign #webdev #microformats
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
XHTML 1.0 Strict! Such youthful optimism! Surprised it's not full of microformats.
@plexus microformats got over the xhtml thing too
KevinMarks, tantek and ProfessorDino joined the channel
Cheers, all. Thanks for guiding me here from Tw and FB.
welcome ProfessorDino !
tantek: gRegorLove left you a message on 6/11 at 12:19pm: Can you update my wiki permissions? It says I cannot create new pages (trying to create my User: page)
And, my, hello Tantek! Pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.
Hola ProfessorDino
gRegorLove: I believe it comes with # of edits over time
waves back <-- oldskewl shorthand
Been some time since I've really dived into microformats, so looking to get back into fighting shape.
if you're familiar with microformats1 then I highly recommend reading this post since it's a good summary of all the design changes with microformats2 http://microformats.org/2014/03/05/getting-started-with-microformats2
Yep. Diving into that now. Also, group's thoughts as to this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26906367/microdata-rdfa-or-json-ld-appropriate-or-best-usage
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
it depends on your goal
we've found that microformats2 is the easiest/best for getting cross-site interactions working. basically it allows a parser to turn an HTML page into JSON data, with minimal effort and changes on the part of the publisher
but facebook uses their ogp tags so if you want to get the facebook preview on articles shared in facebook you'll need to add those tags
@JOAKlM I am not a big fan of RDF, semanticweb, or predefined ontologies. We need something lightweight and emergent like the microformats
iwaim joined the channel
KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks__, tantek and ProfessorDino joined the channel