#microformats 2016-06-15

2016-06-15 UTC
KartikPrabhu and ProfessorDino joined the channel
We've #played with #microformats. Love the #idea of #marking up our #business data to #machines as well as #humans! #Entrepreneur #IT
that ^ same tweet "content" shows up every few days!
i like the excitement but...
Looking at their account... looks like they tweet a *lot* but it all looks legit
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Subtle #microformats use case: bridgy backfeeds include multiple reply-to/like-of/repost-of. One for original plus POSSEd copy.
KartikPrabhu1, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, tantek, KevinMarks___ and M-RyanRix joined the channel
YubinBangoの設定方法 今度の郵便番号検索ライブラリは、なんとclassを指定するだけ! 下記のようにmicroformats2の標準仕様に合わせたclassを記載をするだけで郵便番号検索機能が有効になります。 https://github.com/yubinbango/yubinbango
tantek, tantek_, M-RyanRix, Garbee, sagerdearia, TallTed, KevinMarks, nitot, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, uf-wiki-visitor, bret and gRegorLove joined the channel
KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, tantek, twisted`_, edsu_, kylewm and gRegorLove joined the channel