#microformats 2016-07-18

2016-07-18 UTC
@hreview hows about lets do, zombie movies are all the same, dead people walking around eating people and infecting others. Wow, scary. Not!
M-RyanRix, nitot, davidmead, KevinMarks, miklb_, miklb, KevinMarks_, tantek, sagerdearia, dogada, adactio, nitot_ and TallTed joined the channel
Maybe I'm slow but I just dived in to micro data and I really see great potential in it. Read more... http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page
tantek, nitot, KevinMarks, bret, twisted`, Garbee and JonathanNeal joined the channel
JonathanNeal joined the channel
In the fine tradition of Merriam-Webster: https://twitter.com/MerriamWebster/status/749248017954377728 (note the original tweet was deleted that this was in reply to)
[@MerriamWebster] @smarick then you're talking to the wrong dictionary—we're descriptivists. We follow language, language doesn't follow us 😁
see also: personal pronoun preferences e.g. "they"
nitot, KevinMarks, tantek, KevinMarks_ and dogada joined the channel
trying to braindump a few thoughts at a time
I'm not sure how much to brainstorm in a GH issue and how much to recommend a specific course of action
feels weird to brainstorm in a threaded medium which is the opposite of what you want (collaborative iteration in-place on a brainstorm)
maybe a hybrid approach is okay then? add to the brainstorming section on the wiki but continue discussion about it in the thread?
the github issue thread is way easier to keep track of an actual discussion, but you're right that it isn't the best for iterating in place
I think that split could work
edited /microformats2-parsing-brainstorming (+1574) "Parse img alt brainstorming, write down some ideas for approaches to solutions and problems with each one"
(view diff)
you didn't include the option voxpelli suggested?
aaronpk turning every microformats property value into its own object just makes it that much harder for consuming applications for the 99% case where there is no other info
really bad to burden the 99% with structure used only by the 1%
i would expect it would do that if there is an alt property present, but just be a string otherwise
since HTML requires img alt attrs, that will likely be every img
or like 90% of imgs
though perhaps we can skip img alt="" treating that as no alt present?
that seems sane
(a common effect for purely presentational images - however why would you be microformats property parsing a purely presentational image?)
(answer: you wouldn't)
if i wanted my html to validate, i'd have to automatically add alt text to all of my photo posts, but i don't know what text to use for those, so alt="" would seem like the default behavior