#microformats 2016-08-03

2016-08-03 UTC
AngeloGl1, KevinMarks, sagerdearia, KevinMarks_, globbot, tantek, adactio, sknebel and Garbee joined the channel
Step one is to clean up the HTML, make it structurally meaningful. Then, bind place/time/character data into that (microformats or whatever)
tantek, KevinMarks, gRegorLove and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@alct Je serai ravi de contribuer des bouts de code (pour ajouter du microformats2 un peu partout par exemple) quand j'aurai du temps :-)
Loqi, translate
if only there was a language marker in the tweet so loqi knew what language to translate from
Loqi could plug it into google translate and "I'm feeling lucky" :)
new Loqi feature, detect "Loqi, translate" where the word "translate" is autodetected in whatever language it is said in as the language to translate *to*, and then Loqi calls Google translate to translate from (auto-detect language) to "what language the word 'translate' was in"
aaronpk 😂
google does a pretty good job of detecting the language
the from yes
doesn't work on super short phrases or proper nouns but what can you expect
the point is, Loqi could just have a list of how to say "translate" in many destination languages, and then just respond to each of them accordingly
it's looking like Loqi needs some short-term memory of things recently said in the channel
considering caching the last thing spoken by each person so he can look stuff like that up
one of my favourite bot features I had back in the day was a small cache of items from each speaker
so relative terms could have context
sagerdearia joined the channel
@serialseb @leonardr @mcintyre321 note that the microformats existing rel values is referenced from the html spec(s)
Garbee, AngeloGladding, KartikPrabhu, tantek, KevinMarks_ and miklb joined the channel