#microformats 2016-08-04

2016-08-04 UTC
tantek joined the channel
Microformats are invisible SEO. Everyone should be using them | From @37designs #SEO #webcoding #HTML http://3.7designs.co/blog/2010/01/why-arent-you-using-microformats/
sagerdearia, miklb, KevinMarks, AngeloGladding and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
New #WPorgSupport > https://wordpress.org/support/topic/no-schema-markup-in-google-search#post-8715734 > Hesham Zebida on "[Plugin: Author hReview] No Schema Markup in Google Search"
KevinMarks joined the channel
gibts n semantisch geeignetes tag für lat/lon angaben? oder microformats?
should mf2 (or an upgrade thereof) take into account HTML semantics. For example: an <article> is considered to be a h-entry even if no mf2 class is specified on it?
@webrocker das Attribut geo von https://schema.org/Place nimmt lat/lng auf. Ich frage mich aber schon lange, wie relevant microformats sind
I ask since it seems both HTML5 semantics for article and mf2 semantics for h-entry mean very similar (if not the same) thing
KevinMarks and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
HTML5 Structure, Syntax, and Semantics - 034 Introducing microformats, microdata, and RDFa: https://www.youtube.com/ qua @YouTube
Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0 by John Allsopp http://adf.ly/1aFd6x
Garbee, tantek, gRegorLove, ben_thatmustbeme, AngeloGladding, elux, TallTed and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
oh no just missed Kartik
!tell KartikPrabhu in short no. <article> is inconsistently used (likely due to the lack of consuming code that does anything predictable/useful with it). If you find some large backcompat site/post corpus with <article> perhaps note it on a page like microformats.org/wiki/article-research
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
mkaply and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Ironically, you may see them form Facebook Instant Articles markup, as that is what they specify, though I think that is only in rss, not pages https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instant-articles/reference
I miss RSS, microformats, device-agnostic markup via xhtml/CSS, data transportability -- you know, simpler, faster, more accessible...
Loqi messages?
KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 41 minutes ago: in short no. <article> is inconsistently used (likely due to the lack of consuming code that does anything predictable/useful with it). If you find some large backcompat site/post corpus with <article> perhaps note it on a page like microformats.org/wiki/article-research
KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel