#microformats 2017-05-05

2017-05-05 UTC
tantek, rodolfojcj, gRegorLove, barpthewire, nitot_, [colinwalker], [chrisaldrich], adactio and nitot joined the channel
nitot_, twisted` and tantek joined the channel
schmarty: i'm close to having it good to go, i just want to update the test suite now
but i can't figure out a sane way of doing it without getting someone to actually work throught the updates with me
and then put microformats-tests in to composer
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: sorry for my confusion - the tests are a PHP package that need to be (re-)released?
the tests are just a set of html and equivalent json
i want people to just be able to pull the latest version of that
so that means using <something> to pull down the latest set
simplest methods are npm or composer, the test set is in npm, but its way out of date
i said the heck with it, and in the meantime, i just wrote a copy of all the tests directly in to the git repo
here is my up to date code
now i need to find out what the next steps would be for it? new gem? replace old? if so, who needs to review?
created a PR as well, hopefully that will trigger some emails to those interested
oh wow
ben_thatmustbeme has 7 karma in this channel (212 overall)
shaners was leading the previous version so we can probably get him to sign off on it
i think he owns the rubygems one too
never dealt with rubygems
it might actually just pull from github?
pretty sure you have to run a publish command
but it's been a while since i've published a gem
barpthewire, [joemcl], gRegorLove, [colinwalker], [chrisaldrich], [evanwolf] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I did a github subproject, but not sure that is ideal either
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove_, nitot, tantek and [shaners] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme Hi! This PR email was such a pleasant surprise to wake up to today!
tl;dr I’m down.
There a handful of very small details that’ll need be sorted. But this is amazing. ⭐⭐
yeah, i figured there would be some things
I’m working my way through the PR now and making issues about what’ll need doing to do this Right™
One of which is work through the issues and close ones that this addresses.
Wanna take a look at those?
just from a quick look at that, most of them, lol
nitot joined the channel
That’s what I expected
Which is fucking great!
it doesn't do the include-pattern yet
That’s fine. At least that’s not a regression. Since it never did.
solves #5, #8, #9, #11, not sure on #21, #26
Here’s the biggest thing that I would *prefer* to release a `2.9` that adds deprecation warnings to everything that breaks in `3.0`. That’s not as a trivial as a note in README. So, it’s a “would really *like* to have”, but not a “must have blocker”.
How would you feel about doing the deprecation warnings?
#29 is why i decided to completely rewrite
tantek joined the channel
Yeah. #29 was hairy.
#21 should be its own gem frankly. That this one then depends on.
i would consider writing that
i wrote the PHP one
a 2.9 version with deprecation would make sense
not totally sure how it would work
this one builds up the hash fully first, then just wraps it up in an object
i think the main things that are dropped are .all changes to (:all)
and plural names
also classes change names, so if anyone is relying on that
do people update to new major versions without checking for compatibility?
#31 , #32, #34 would all be taken care of....
#35 (would need to double check that, but it doesn't use that any more)
not sure what #39 is asking yet
doesn't really make sense, its just a ruby script isn't it?
aaronpk You’d be surprised.
But even if they do, a deprecation EOL `2.x` is Good Form™ to do.
ben_thatmustbeme wrt class name changes, maybe you could a post install message in the `2.9` release that mentions those kinds of things that you can’t easily throw warnings for.
that would make sense, never done a release at all though, so not sure how the install process works at all honestly
Does that sound like a fun learning opportunity to you? Or an annoying chore?
i feel like i just walked a marathon
Btw, I’m happy to do the actual release to rubygems (and document the process to hand off to you for future ones)
that would be cool
No doubt. This was Herculean.
but as to chore or fun learning experience, normally it would be good learning, right now its more like AHHH MORE STUFF!!!
tantek joined the channel
If we can get something for `2.9` to at the very raise a symbolic flag to say "`3.0` is breaking things, look out”, then I’ll play Release Manager for 2.9 and 3.0. Then doc and hand off release management to you.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I’ll stay on as one of the gem owners, just in case. To keep our bus score > 1. ?
But it’ll be all yours to run with.
what is bus score?
so you think doing it in the 2.x branch just modify that branch with deprecation warnings for the forthcoming 3.0
alternatively it may be possible to wrap everything in the old class structures / use all that code for adding functions and just make 2.9 a shell of 3.0
That’ll likely add another pass to your PR, but it should be easy enough to merge/rebase the deprecation warnings into your branch.
nah. keep it simple. invest in 2.x as little as possible.
3.0 is the target
my work is never done :)
actually i do have some changes for the 2.9 branch already, things i had already started to fix in 2.x
It’s just software, right? ?
Bus Score : the number of people in an org that it’d take getting hit by a bus to stop the org.
hah, never heard it put that way
For a time, Apple Computer had a bus score of 1 (Woz)
How about this?
i'll work off that code, it adds a number of features to the parsed result without breaking anything and start that as a 2.9 branch
then go through and add deprecation warnings on all() and the plural functions
Let’s get whatever non-breaking changes/fixes that you have on your fork into a PR for master. And I’ll merge in that PR.
And I’ll give you commit to this repo, so you can do your deprecation warnings work right on master on the main repo
We’ll release 2.9. Then update your 3.0 PR. Merge. Release. Hand off. Cool?
i think i actually already have commit access for the indieweb group
Oh great. Then PR your existing 2.x changes and let’s merge than in.
[dissolve] #47 2.x updates
i can pretty quickly revert the spec changes and stuff i did, clean it up a bit
If you want. Or you can do it on the incoming commits for the deprecation warnings.
ah yeah, i'll work that out then
so i guess give me a few days to work out all the deprecation warnings
Take whatever time you want. This is your baby.
I’m just here to make sure we honor existing users and do right by them. ?
all of this because i went to put mf2 tests in to mastodon so it wouldn't break again
and couldn't use it to test h-feeds
[shaners]: want me to merge those 2.x changes in now or wait?
also to make sure i have write access
You can merge 2.x now
we just won’t release 2.9 gem yet
Just made you an admin on the repo
I’m off to see Guardians movie. I’ll finish my PR review and issues prep work when I get back.
tantek, nitot, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, [evanwolf], [joemcl], [kevinmarks] and [tamaracks] joined the channel