#microformats 2017-05-06

2017-05-06 UTC
[philbowell] and [shaners] joined the channel
Added a few comments and a review to your 3.0 PR.
ben_thatmustbeme ^^^
Thanks shaners
KartikPrabhu, [tamaracks], gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], tantek, [philbowell], rodolfojcj, dindy, [eddie], rodolfojcj_, davidmead, edsu and [shaners] joined the channel
There’s a webhook setup on the repo to push to `https://idonethis.com/gh/orion-cms/`, but it 404s everytime. I’m deleting it. If someone wants it back, raise a flag and figure out the right configs.
on the ruby parser?
[kevinmarks] and [shaners] joined the channel
rodolfojcj, [chrisaldrich], [eddie], [jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu, davidmead and [kevinmarks] joined the channel