#microformats 2017-05-11

2017-05-11 UTC
gRegorLove: i finally went through my entire list issue by issue
before correcting anything on my local copy, i filed a copy
[shaners] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: does me merging #52 mean that your end of `2.9` is done?
not yet, there are a few other things that i wanted to go over
at a minimum, the text for install message
which i know how to do, just haven't worked out the text for it yet
the question was, should i go through bringing in the hyphens instead of underscores bit for 2.9 or wait for 3.0
I’d wait
there were other possible improvements, but i don't think those are worth it then
most people are gonna upgrade all the way to 3.0
i'd say its just a matter of figuring out the text for the install message
2.9 isn’t really about improvements. More just about warnings.
there are some improvements certainly, but yeah, again, only because i had those done
my list is:
- version bump in readme
- version bump in version.rb
- delete branches other than master
- document the rubygems release process (as I release 2.9)
delete branches other than master and 3.0.0
will rebase that after 2.9 is out
i figured i'd bump version as the last thing before release
oh nice. i hadn’t seen that you’d move your 3.0 work over from your personal account.
and yes, if you wanna do the version bump honors, it’s all yours. you’ve earned it.
it looks like its just spec.post_install_message is all we need for the message
suggestions on text for it?
<!channel> Any objection to me deleting the Circle CI hook on the mf2 ruby gem? It doesn’t seem to be doing anything. Each push, I get an email saying “no tests”.
sounds good to me, don't know where it came from
notice 3.0.0 is now passing travis tests :)
I’m drafting an idea for a 2.9 post install message
plays hold music
carlton dances
Remind me what got deprecated but doesn’t throw a deprecation warning?
reads backscroll. heh.
depending on class names
is so excited for 3.0
also having the original nokogiri objects
best to say we are getting rid of those and if people really complain or say they need them i may be able to bring them back
tantek joined the channel
“Calling all. This is our last cry before our eternal silence.”
- The 2.X version.
3.0 is a nearly complete re-write of the Microformats Ruby parser.
Coming VERY SOON: The 3.0 Version!
3.0 will fix almost all outstanding issues on the GitHub repo,
the cost of doing this is that there will be some breaking changes
add classical Microformats support and more! But unfortunately,
and changing API.
The 2.9 release is a transitional release. Really, we want you using 3.0,
but 2.9 gives you an opportunity to run your tests, fix any deprecation warnings,
and be able to migrate to 3.0 with greater confidence.
In addition to deprecation warnings on changing methods,
flood cut off?
what’d you call me? ?
oh, the other hold was to make sure (:all) is the best option, i can't think of a better way to do it?
so that is actually a breaking change in 2.9?
What is flood cut off?
Oh I see. In IRC. ?
I’ll gist it
[ben_thatmustbem joined the channel
i just jumped on slack to read it
ben_thatmustbeme will you write a bullet point about (:all) to include?
no, that was more just a question for you
the (:all) is working in 2.9 and has a deprecation warning to say to transition to it
can you think of a more ruby way to do it?
remind me again how it’d be used vs when :all won’t be used
collection.entry.cards woul become collection.entry.card(:all)
Well. The more idiomatic ruby is the plural. But I understand why we’re getting rid of it.
the pluralization stuff really doesn't work with anything that is a plural already, so we have to drop those in order to not just break on random things
how about `collection.entry.card.all` ?
entry.card calls method missing, so it already called that
and whats returned is the object, not an array
what kind of object?
entry.card returns the first item in the array (as a ParserResult) but there is no way to travel up the tree
so you can't get back the array
the only other way would be to always return the array, but then its a major change to being more like .card[0] or .card.first etc
entry.card.all returns what?
it would return an error because .all is underfined for a card
could entry.card.all call a private method on entry to get the array of cards?
(or a public method, whatever)
can you link me to the impl of .card please?
heh, magic of method missing
it’s a useful hammer, but careful to not use it too much, that way be dragons
Is a ParserResult enumerable?
not currently
ie, can i call .each on .card(:all)?
.card(:all) returns an array
of ParserResults
do entry.first and entry.last do The Right Thing?
no, those don't actually make sense
oops. mistyped.
entry.card.first and entry.card.last
no, entry.card is a single item, so .first and .last on it would be the same as calling .entry.first or entry.last
jumping in the shower
Well, here’s my thinking. The more Ruby Way™ would be something like:
entry.card (shorthand for entry.card.first), entry.card.first, entry.card.last, entry.card.all, entry.card[3], etc
how you’d implement that is beyond me right now with chemo brain
so. i think the prudent thing is to ship entry.card(:all), entry.card(0), entry.card. and maybe in some future you, me or some daring adventurer can implement it more idiomatically.
and in the meantime, the villagers are happy. the dragon has been pushed back into the cave for now. and we can all go about our merry lives.
in short, :shipit:
shaners, thanks again for all this. seriously man. however you're fighting through the chemo brain and all that keep it up. health first obv but if it helps we're here too :)
there are good days/times and less good days/times. i try to go hard and cross off TODOs on during the good times.
you'll appreciate this, 2 days after I tweeted about helping out, Twitter locked my @t account
i’m probably the most excited about this 3.0 work that ben has done, bc it’s been hanging on me for years that no one (namely me) was being a good steward for the mf rb gem.
so until they unlock it, you're effectively pinned to the top of my Twitter profile!
did you get it back?
did they say why?
I haven't "lost" it per se, it's just in a weird locked state
"rules" -> link to super long document with lots of things I didn't break
dat weird, though totes not surprising
is it in process or anything? any feedback or just a black box?
I'm tempted to contact press friends to video me walking into the Twitter offices on Market street demanding to speak to someone in charge
automated support response
nothing more
have you pinged benward?
so entry.items returns the full array. so entry.items[0], entry.items.first, entry.items.last
that all works
entry.card is a shortcut for entry.items.select{|x|x.type == 'h-card'}
ps what’s this items@0 syntax that you use in chat from?
shaners - yeah I should do that now that it's been > 24h
I would post a tweet about it but ...
ben_thatmustbeme here’s an idea (which is more work for you and changes the API design):
woah, that was a weird artifact of the bridge
i types [ 0 ]
what if entry.card does the same code, except without the .first? returning an array.
OHHHHH. hahahaha
its because IRC names are with brackets
its trying to reference a usernamed 0
entry.card.all would quietly return its parent. .first, .last, .each, and indexing with [ 3 ] all Just Work™
yeah, i thought of that as an option, and it would be elegant, but its a much bigger change
entry.card.all would then not work, if entry.card returns the array
a bigger change period or a bigger change to shoehorn into 2.9?
no, bigger change
.card right now always returns a single item
would now change to .card.first.name.to_s
yeah. ?
thats going to be a big transition for a lot of code
trade offs
.cards going to card(:all) is better than that
just not as pretty
then, FILDI
and .card.name.to_s stays the same
fuck it let’s do it
getting this gem parity with the others with a slightly less than desirable api is way more important than futzing about the api design
make it work, make it good, make it fast.
lemme know when you button up your end of things, and i’ll release and document the process
[dissolve] #56 2.9
just so
ben_thatmustbeme Did you say that all the tests were passing on 2.9?
davidmead joined the channel
No, not on 2.9 I didn't rewrite the test suite on it
But it does fail the same number of them
[anomalily] joined the channel
[shaners]: updated PR
aaaaaah gotcha
[dissolve] #65 incorrectly using value-class-pattern for email address
all others i was reasonably sure what to do, this one i am reasonably sure it wrong, but not sure which way to go with it. thus i put this test in my copy as pending an update on the original repo
okay, off to bed / on phone
ben_thatmustbeme what timezone are you in?
EDT with 2 year old twins
that makes for early nights
and early mornings
i’m releasing 2.9 now-ish. you’ll see it tomorrow when you wake up.
does a happy dance!
looks at #65
microformats2 (2.9.0): Parses HTML for microformats and return a collection of dynamically defined Ruby objects https://rubygems.org/gems/microformats2
ben_thatmustbeme has 11 karma in this channel (218 overall)
shaners++ congrats!!!
shaners has 3 karma in this channel (62 overall)
@rubygems I couldn’t be happier that the Microformats Ruby parser gem has found a new steward and is getting caught… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/862487662543872000
@rubygems And 3.0 (a complete re-write) of the Microformats Ruby parser gem is right around the corner. (2.9 was a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/862487854974328832
aaronpk did you say that you’d take on porting your url normalization lib to a ruby gem?
[jlsuttles] #21 Implement sophisticated url normalization
tantek joined the channel
[shaners] i think i could manage that. i already found a good test suite for it which is the hard part
[eddie], [michellejl], Zegnat, nitot, [kevinmarks] and barpthewire joined the channel
Woo \o/ 2.9 is it the door. Now it's time to prep 3.0 and wait
[pfefferle] joined the channel
sebsel, KartikPrabhu, nitot_, [colinwalker], adactio, rodolfojcj, nitot, gRegorLove and [shaners] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme what’s the “wait” part of “prep 3.0 and wait”?
oh, i thought you wanted to give time for people to see 2.9 first
i'm making improvements to 3.0 anyway, specificially getting the respond_to? stuff working better
and changing some of the class names to match the old one
Nah. Are you familiar with the Gemfile syntax for specifying versions?
i'm assuming its similar to package.js / composer.js
does package/composer use the ~ to specify fuzzy versions?
“~2.1” means “you can update to 2.2, 2.3, 2.9, but not 3.0?
cool, same thing
so 2.9 is for people who specified ~2.0 or ~2.1 in their Gemfiles.
i'm finishing up some bits on 3.0.0, i'll rebase and i wouldn't mind some review from others
They won’t get a 3.0 surprise next time they bundle and break things. They’ll get the warnings.
People don’t specify a version are living on the edge and implicitly accepting that shit might get wild and break some time.
So, imo, keep doing your 3.0 work. But don’t feel like there’s an embargo period.
has a tendency to occasionally live on the edge and implicitly accept that shit might get wild and break some time.
some 2.1 users might not see 2.9 or update for months. we can’t predict when that’ll happen or be expected to wait for everyone.
the 2.9 release is that transitional stepping stone for more conservative users
onward upward!
now then, this is going to be a complex rebase
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[shaners]: should i push the result to a branch or just bring it directly in to master
rodolfojcj joined the channel
interesting, i cannot actually merge the PR because i submitted it
That doesn't sound right
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
is that a new github setting?
i am only listed as a member on the repo?
tantek and nitot joined the channel
he was supposed to make me an admin on the repo
but i cannot seem to self review still
ivc, nitot_, tantek, nitot, [jeremycherfas], [colinwalker], KartikPrabhu, [eddie] and [shaners] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme You are an admin. But I have the box checked to required admins to do the same process as non-admins. That way all code gets at least one extra set of eye balls on it.
oh nice, i didn't even know that was a setting
it’s a little bit of an annoyance if you wanna go real fast or it’s just a little thing like fixing a typo in the readme
but i think it’s a net positive
reviewing ben_thatmustbeme’s PR now
ben_thatmustbeme is `.to_json` removed from the gem or just the README?
tantek joined the channel