#[shaners]I had written a very naive implementation quickly that handled the simplest of cases, came to the first IWC and was “I implemented a mf2 parser in Ruby”. Little did I know, I was nowhere near spec complete.
#[shaners]Also, there wasn’t a spec then. Just wiki pages.
#ben_thatmustbeme[shaners]: yeah I should have squashed those commits. The are things out on then taken out, like the npm attempt. The version of the test suite is way outdated in npm though
#[shaners]Btw, yall, I just emailed and asked the gem owner of “microformats” if they’d be willing to transfer it to us to simplify the naming of the parser gem. His gem is untouched since 2010 and on version 0.3. It’s not a parser. It’s helper methods for Rails apps. I hope he says “sure!“.
#[shaners]If that happens, we’ll have another whole round of release with a set of warnings and post install message and release the thing under the new name. But it’ll be worth it, if he’s into it.
#[shaners]ben_thatmustbeme also after 3.0 gets merged in, we can set up GH to only allow PRs that don’t break the Travis build to be merged into master. To keep master always clean.
#[shaners]Whoever gets emails for the indieweb org on GitHub, expect one about a repo transfer. Please accept it and beep me when it lands. I’ll handle renaming it and stuff.
gRegorLove, tantek, nitot_, [kevinmarks], pfefferle, [colinwalker], barpthewire, [jeremycherfas] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[kevinmarks], gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu and [shaners] joined the channel
#[shaners]ben_thatmustbeme I'm on (via phone) now. But I'm at chemo and on all kinds of drugs. Too loopy to be releasing software. I will tonight when I get home.
#[shaners]That was a very Siri/Alexa answer. Even though there was conversational context for which ben, you asked for disambiguation.
#[shaners]ben_thatmustbeme 3.0 is released to the wild. It’s your baby now. You’re an admin on the gh repo. You’re an author and owner on rubygems.
#[shaners]I’m here for any advice or guidance if you ever want it, but don’t feel like you need my permission or blessing for anything. Move it forward as you see fit. I’m sure you’ll do a great job.
#tantekhadn't read the logs yet, but yes, there was. Context that is.