#microformats 2017-06-10

2017-06-10 UTC
[kevinmarks], [miklb], [eddie], tantek, KartikPrabhu, uf-wiki-visitor and barpthewire joined the channel
Universal feedparser gem v2.0.0 Adds HTML Feeds w/ Microformats (h-entry, h-feed, etc.) #web #dev https://github.com/feedparser/feedparser#Microformats
[kevinmarks], AngeloGladding, KartikPrabhu, [eddie], tantek, [miklb], davidmead, barpthewire, [chrisaldrich] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Working on a new Feed Format ;-) - HTML's <article> is the new RSS <item>/Atom <entry> - @Microformats Made Easier - https://feedhtml.github.io
davidmead joined the channel
@viennahtml @microformats Requiring specific elements is not easier than classes. This looks like Facebook's instant articles hodge-podge
[kevinmarks], gRegorLove, tantek, [miklb] and nitot joined the channel
@viennahtml @microformats the problem is you are attaching a lot of parsing specifics to the names, 'published' mus… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/873690009051779076
@viennahtml @microformats The dt-, e-, p-, u-, h- are all flags to the parsers, so they don't need to know the voca… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/873690427899162624