#microformats 2017-06-17

2017-06-17 UTC
nitot, tantek, ben_thatmustbeme, barpthewire and AngeloGladding joined the channel
The music I think we were a bad name. Nah, Kirklees and Stratford beat us to cheer on Thatcher by Russell T Davies as well use the hReview
nitot joined the channel
サイトがダウンした時にいれたWPのテーマがmicroformats対応のデザインなんだけど、余計にぐぐるてんてーに怒られたwww microformatsの方はともかく、http://Schema.orgには対応してるから、とりあえずはこれでなんとか対応する。
[miklb], [cleverdevil], davidmead, Garbee and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[kevinmarks], davidmead, [miklb], Garbee, tommorris, twisted`, Phae, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, AngeloGladding, tantek and [eddie] joined the channel