#microformats 2017-07-19

2017-07-19 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [miklb], ben_thatmustbeme, [chrisaldrich], rodolfojcj_, nitot, tantek, [asteres] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich Hey Chris, thanks for sharing! Feel free to email w/ further details about how to use microformats &… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/887557497036328960
tantek, nitot, nitot_, KartikPrabhu, [pfefferle], rodolfojcj and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Heh, same quote. I may just quote that without linking the original article
nitot joined the channel
“With regard to microformats, the more the merrier.”- @yext
nitot, Garbee, [eddie], [chrisaldrich] and dixongexpat joined the channel
nitot and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
good morning dixongexpat
hentry (マークアップ: http://microformats.org) 構造化データエラー が出たときの対処方法 http://column.noith.com/hentry-error/
tantek, [kevinmarks], nitot, rodolfojcj and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
sales roles
edited /hresume-examples-in-wild (+41) "/* New Examples */"
(view diff)
sales roles
edited /hresume-examples-in-wild (+1) "/* New Examples */"
(view diff)
KartikPrabhu, rodolfojcj, tantek, [kevinmarks], [chrisaldrich] and davidmead joined the channel