#microformats 2017-07-20

2017-07-20 UTC
davidmead, [kevinmarks], tantek, rodolfojcj, nitot, barpthewire, AngeloGladding, [pfefferle], adactio, Zegnat, [barryf] and Garbee joined the channel
@glennjones Your site is down (for a while now ?) + the https://microformats.io parser link to https://glennjones.net/tools/microformats/ isn't working anymore
tantek, rodolfojcj and rodolfojcj_ joined the channel
The Microformats 2 WordPress plugin was causing spurious HTML tags to be visible around my name next to these ... http://devilgate.org/blog/2017/07/20/3565/
tantek, [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, [cleverdevil], [chrisaldrich], Garbee and nitot joined the channel