ZegnatOh, never mind, for backcompat it should just default to “else use the parsed property value per p-*,u-*,dt-* parsing respectively” for the `value`-value
ZegnatI think gRegorLove is saying the parser should ignore the `reviewer` property because it is parsing an `h-review` and thus backcompat *properties* must be ignored
ZegnatI think the Python output is correct for aaronpk’s h-review because: 1) `reviewer` does not exist as property for h-review and is correctly skipped, and 2) a backcompat vcard is found and correctly added as a child object to the h-review object.
ZegnatThat mixedpropertries is plain wrong as there is no mf2 property defined on the p.adr block at all, I don’t see why that should ever be added to the h-card.
sketchessIf you can spare a second, you might can point me into the right direction. Does something like a microformats list or a overview exist? I would be happy to get a decent link. Till yet I just found split lists with a little amount of them on each.
ZegnatI am not sure what more you want to be explained sketchess. It is a data format that specifies objects (h-*) and object properties (p-*, u-*, dt-*, e-*), and specifies how these are parsed from HTML files.
sketchessOk, I will phrase like this. An explanation that even a child can understand what each word really means and what it does when used. The results. :)
Zegnatalso “parse as p-adr h-adr” feels very hacky. Shouldn’t that be “parse as p-adr adr”? Or do they specifically want to include both mf2 and mf1 properties in this very specific case?!
ZegnatNormally because explicit property is missing it would go under children, but for adr you have the special case to not put it in children but put it as p-adr.
sknebelmf1 class="adr" is the same as mf2 class="p-adr" in this case, except that mf2 requires the specific type to be named, so it is "p-adr h-adr" instead.
ZegnatHaven’t done mf1 in a long time so I am unsure. But also isn’t important, because mf1 objects still need to be parsed according to the mf2 parsing spec. That’s why mf2 parsing spec has the backcompat build in.
Zegnatsketchess see the conversation here between sknebel and me as example of microformats-spec-stuff ;) This is why for general usage patterns it is easier to check indieweb.org