#aaronpkin general i'm not a fan of modifying logos, but usually color variations is okay. imagine reading a branding guidelines book for microformats, would this be something they say is acceptable?
#aaronpkusually the branding guidelines say things like, don't put things that overlap the logo. don't rotate the logo. there's usually a certain amount of space required between the logo and other elements on the page.
#[kevinmarks]There is an orange variant on the microformats.org front page
#[jgarber]☝ Depends on the date of the addition, according to the copyright page.
#[jgarber]Content added after 2007-12-29 is automatically public domain.
#[jgarber]I’m not 100% sure when that particular logo was added.
#[jgarber]I’ll go ahead and remove the logo. It doesn’t add anything to the `README.md`. Perhaps we could revisit and use it on a GitHub pages-style site for the gem if we want to go that route.
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#[jgarber]4. Once that’s done, click “Add Repo” next to any of the IndieWeb GitHub organization-owned repos that you’d like to add to Code Climate. This is silly since, if your account is anything like mine, many of those repos are already in Code Climate. Go figure.