2018-02-24 UTC
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
tantek, [asuh], [jeremycherfas], nitot, [kevinmarks], [mifga], sebsel, [eddie], [mrkrndvs], Loqi_, [miklb], webchat211, barpthewire and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 17:36 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] microformats2 parsing specification
# 17:43 KartikPrabhu as in is it that p-* and e-* should have text equivalent of the images but not u-* and dt-* ?
# 17:43 Zegnat I do not. I actually thought there may have been discussion about that on the issue tracker, but can’t find it (and might have dreamt it)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:51 Loqi [Zegnat] #15 What should mf2 textContent parsing result in? User expectation vs. DOM specification.
# 17:51 Zegnat Rather than special casing SCRIPT/STYLE removal and IMG normalisation.
# 17:56 Zegnat That’s just there so `text<img alt="hi">` turns into `text hi` and not into `texthi`.
# 17:57 Zegnat I am guessing because the first thing is what most people would expect their markup to be turned into.
# 17:57 Zegnat The next step removes leading and trailing spaces, so it never accidentally leaves those hanging.
# 17:59 Loqi [kartikprabhu] #61 include img alt and src in p-* and e-* parsing
# 18:04 Zegnat My browser’s textContent gives me \n from your example code.
# 18:05 Zegnat In actuality, I think neither is “expected”. The mf2 output should match whatever was used by the HTML input.
# 18:06 KartikPrabhu but again that might depend on the HTML parser used and possibly the OS
# 18:07 Zegnat It shouldn’t. I don’t recall the HTML spec normalising between \r\n and \n. So HTML parsers should not touch it.
# 18:08 Zegnat Your OS shouldn’t be changing the bytes of an HTML file either, without you triggering anything.
# 18:08 Zegnat It might be up to the HTML author’s OS. But that’s of no concern. The Text Node’s bytes should be copied verbatim at all times. So neither \r\n or \n is “expected”.
# 18:09 Zegnat If there is a normalisation step somewhere, I’d be happy if someone could point me at it :)
# 18:09 Zegnat If you are feeding mf2php HTML with \n and it gives you \r\n back, that’s probably a bug
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 18:27 [kevinmarks] So I suppose if you have multiple of a property with whitespace between, you may lose whitespace if you join them again
# 18:28 [kevinmarks] You'd see this in h-recipe perhaps, where there are ingredients lists and steps
# 18:30 Zegnat I am not sure what you mean with “join them”, [kevinmarks]. Why would I join separate mf values?
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 18:40 aaronpk we haven't really done much with that in indieweb usage, but you could imagine multiple "content" properties, one for each paragraph
# 18:50 aaronpk I suspect not many, since that behavior was never explicitly mentioned in the vocabularies like h-entry
# 18:51 sknebel would also require some conversion e.g. for microsub, since jf2 does not allow it
# 18:51 aaronpk i'm not sure it really makes sense for the "content" property either, I woudn't want to encourage it
# 18:51 aaronpk technically jf2 allows it since jf2 isn't vocab aware, but the tools I've been writing are using a vocab-aware representation in jf2
# 18:52 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML.
# 18:53 sknebel true, I always assumed specific jf2 profiles when mentioning jf2
# 18:54 sknebel oh, and no, jf2 reserves html and content as names for content, explicitly only allowing single-values
# 19:07 [kevinmarks] With mf1 there was some implied joining iirc - for dates before we had dt
# 19:11 Zegnat Yeah, but that's not merging separate properties.
[mifga], [mrkrndvs] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:58 KartikPrabhu woot! mf2py now drops <script> and <style> from name parsing and also adds in alt and src of img
# 20:58 Loqi kartikprabhu has 8 karma in this channel (171 overall)
# 21:24 Zegnat Those are some fast updates coming in KartikPrabhu, Great!
# 21:24 Loqi kartikprabhu has 9 karma in this channel (172 overall)
vivus and j12t_ joined the channel
# 21:34 Zegnat Although that seems to say self was something that was already registered prior to Atom? So there might be an even older source?
# 21:34 j12t I don't need it to be authoritative ... thanks!
tantek, [eddie], [miklb] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel