#microformats 2018-03-15
2018-03-15 UTC
# KartikPrabhu this si why vocabulary specific tests are useless
# KartikPrabhu there is nothing stopping anyone from pulishing h-news
# Loqi [tantek]: KartikPrabhu left you a message 25 minutes ago: here you go simplified real world example http://pin13.net/mf2-dev/?id=20180314234440988 from http://microformats.org/wiki/events/2009-06-26-microformats-4th-bday#summary. note the dtstart is not parsed
# gRegorLove sknebel, tantek, Zegnat: question for you https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/issues/151#issuecomment-373222340
# gRegorLove Ah, ok
[eddie], nitot and tantek joined the channel
# @littlehelper @garrettc @JSOxford Is this an evolution of microformats? (twitter.com/_/status/974228485869678593)
# @garrettc @littlehelper @JSOxford It involves microformats, but they're just one part of it. It's more of a movement, making use of a number of specifications, to achieve a goal. (twitter.com/_/status/974229089631461376)
Newbie1, edsu_, nitot, bear_, hober, hober2, echarlie, tantek, Garbee, barpthewire and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu yeah implied-tz is not in spec
# KartikPrabhu so I have left it out of mf2py
# aaronpk can someone review this? https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/pull/154/files
# KartikPrabhu can't read php!
# KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I really can't read regex! :P
# KartikPrabhu mf2py does not YYYY-DDD yet
# aaronpk v0.4.1 is out https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/releases/tag/v0.4.1
tantek joined the channel
# gRegorLove aaronpk: Sorry for the trouble with that Z
# gRegorLove "Not using value-class (phew)" was definitely my comment, heh
# gRegorLove I jumped ahead in the change control process a bit for implied TZ, sorry about that. Commented: https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/4#issuecomment-373457720
# Loqi [gRegorLove] This is implemented in php-mf2 since [v0.4.0](https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/releases/tag/v0.4.0). I realize I did not first "broaden implementer consensus" per [change control](http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#change_control) ...
barpthewire, [asuh], [squorch], KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, [kevinmarks] and tantek joined the channel
# tantek ALL: please give feedback (even if just thumbs-up) on https://github.com/microformats/h-event/issues/3
# KartikPrabhu there is a proposal in mf2py to move backcompat rules to JSON files just like parser tests. Here is a suggestion https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/issues/70#issuecomment-373555316 feel free to weigh in everyone
tantek and [tantek] joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu [tantek]: what do you think https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/issues/70#issuecomment-373555316