#microformats 2018-03-27

2018-03-27 UTC
tantek, chrisaldrich, webchat75, j12t, iwaim, [tantek] and kaushalmodi joined the channel
@buhakmeh @biilmann @GoHugoIO @zapier @Netlify The meta data like author, post title, post content, etc. is auto-parsed as I am using Microformats2 HTML classes to wrap my post content.. Check out https://indieweb.org/Webmention and #indieweb IRC for more. I can answer the questions too.. as much as I know :)
[aaronpk], [eddie], tantek, nitot, chrisaldrich, KartikPrabhu, iwaim, nitot_, [kevinmarks], [unoabraham], [pfefferle], barpthewire, Garbee, KevinMarks, [kaushal_modi], KevinMarks_, Kyle-K, TallTed, kaushalmodi and [cleverdevil] joined the channel; Kyle-K left the channel
Continuing from #indieweb-dev
We can have PHP unit skip the test when not on the optional parser. That's not too hard. But can it run the tests twice?
i think that's what they refer to as the "build matrix" https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build/#Build-Matrix
looks like we can set an environment variable to trigger that
Alternatively we introduce a "parseTree" that takes a DOMDocument implementation as argument instead of a string.
And it will be up to the user to choose their favourite parser.
i kinda feel like that adds a bunch of work for people using the library
i'd rather either not do anything and get the built-in parser, or bring that html5 parser into my project and have the parser use it without any extra work
Yeah. Alright. Optional dependency it is. If I look into the composer side of optional dependencies, will you be able to fix the Travis side?
Did we release 042 yet, or can we sneak this in?
haven't done 0.4.2 yet
releases aren't expensive...
this is probably a big enough change it's worth not holding up 0.4.2
Releases aren’t expensive, but we have some issues milestonds for 0.4.3 and it would be nice if we can get this alternative parser out if it truly fixes websites in the wild.
On the other hand, getting 0.4.2 out the door soon would also be nice :) I’ll leave versions up to aaronpk
[kevinmarks], tantek, [jgmac1106], KevinMarks, sebsel, gRegorLove_, [jeremycherfas], [cleverdevil], j12t, [kimberlyhirsh], chrisaldrich and [tantek] joined the channel