#microformats 2018-03-30

2018-03-30 UTC
voxpelli_, ChanServ, j12t, GWG, strugee, KevinMarks_, [cleverdevil], echarlie, pniedzielski[m], schmarty, CaseD[m], globbot, [miklb], kaushalmodi and tantek joined the channel
GWG: Know of any examples in WordPressland of h-event being published with p-description instead of e-content?
Not off hand.
gRegorLove: using both "p-content p-description" as backcompat sounds fine
[tantek] #3 Replace h-event 'description' with 'content' property
I might be the only one who published description until today. Just switched it.
right. and I was sugesting switching to use both in case anyone consumed "p-description"
If there's any consuming that, should identify them on that thread. Pretty sure my library was the only one.
Aha, looks like xray parses `description` and `summary` but not `content`
there you go. There might be unknown consumers of that sort
tantek, [jeremycherfas], KevinMarks, [kevinmarks], sebsel, [kaushal_modi] and reidab joined the channel
↩️ @JJJ I would be interested in contributing to something like that. Adding microformats2 would my first PR
webchat254, [cleverdevil], tantek, [snarfed], KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, [miklb], strugee, barpthewire, kaushalmodi, [kim_landwehr] and [Vanessa] joined the channel; webchat254 left the channel
This is so San Francisco RN. #swoonForNOON (@ Noon All Day in San Francisco, CA w/ @microformats) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/3wn2Mjy3oAP
KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], [snarfed], [Vanessa], [miklb] and webchat86 joined the channel