#microformats 2018-03-31

2018-03-31 UTC
Garbee and tantek joined the channel
Snoe, j12t, KartikPrabhu, webchat254, ben_thatmustbeme, [jeremycherfas], tantek, [Vanessa], webchat189, [kevinmarks], KevinMarks, Garbee and barpthewire joined the channel
↩️ I’m pretty sure we were sitting next to each other while signing up too! Early adoption meant we got the handles we wanted too. 😊 That’s also the cond we discovered #microformats
KevinMarks, j12t, webchat254, [kevinmarks], KevinMarks_, Garbee, jlleblanc and [grib] joined the channel
aaronpk: what should be the expected h-entry>content>value for this http://pin13.net/mf2-dev/?id=20180331213811165 ?
this is for the whitespace rules
is it "Correct name\n\nCorrect summary" or "Correct name Correct summary" ?
Zegnat's algorithm gives the second one
currently have a failing test for mf2py due to this
passes all your examples from https://pin13.net/mf2/whitespace.html though
KevinMarks_, webchat189, webchat254, j12t, KevinMarks, [kevinmarks], tantek and [grib] joined the channel