#microformats 2018-04-20

2018-04-20 UTC
[jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, tantek and adactio joined the channel
Zegnat: tantek left you a message 2 days, 7 hours ago: see proposed new issue labels and definitely feel free to improve / iterate / debate / criticize accordingly: https://chat.indieweb.org/microformats/2018-04-18#t1524017111327900
[Zegnat] After reminding myself about what this was about again, there actually seem to be two things mentioned in this one issue. These may need to be addressed separately: 1. **What does the mf2 spec consider to be “normalized”?** [RFC 3986 section 6...
Oh, I am +1 on the labels thing, for what that is worth
webchat108 joined the channel
/join #offsec
[jgmac1106], [matthilt], vivus, webchat296, Garbee, [ciudadanob], kaushalmodi, KartikPrabhu, tantek, barpthewire and sebsel joined the channel; webchat296 left the channel
Why hello what's this
webchat296 joined the channel
Someone called JMAC-all-caps, apparently ;)
CPAN is shouty. Or at least it was when I created that account in 199X.
tantek, webchat296, KartikPrabhu, [miklb], [asuh], [chrisaldrich] and chrisaldrich joined the channel; webchat296 left the channel