2018-04-21 UTC
[unoabraham], [chrisaldrich] and webchat254 joined the channel
tantek, webchat296 and barpthewire joined the channel; webchat254 left the channel
webchat296, tantek and prlbr joined the channel
# 08:58 prlbr hey, how can I get rel="up" to be promoted to a valid rel-value again?
# 09:02 prlbr i think that it provides a useful information, namely that the linked resource is one level higher in a hierarchy of documents
# 09:05 prlbr so maybe that would be a reason not to use "up" anymore and use "parent" instead?
# 09:10 prlbr so "parent" isn’t an adequate substitute in my opinion
[kevinmarks] and prlbr_ joined the channel
[stefp] joined the channel
# 10:33 Zegnat prlbr, if people are using it and there is no proper alternative: document the usecase
# 10:39 prlbr should I create an account for the wiki and edit the wiki with more use cases/implementations?
# 10:40 prlbr or should I make a proposal somewhere else, i.e. on my website first, which includes use cases and come back here with a link once I’ve finished?
[unoabraham] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 10:50 prlbr okay, thank you both, I'll do that within the coming days
# 10:55 prlbr to create an account in the wiki I’d need to pass a reCAPTCHA test that doesn’t work anymore
# 10:56 prlbr it says "Direct site owners to g.co/recaptcha/upgrade"
# 10:57 sknebel I think you can still pass that by typing "reCAPTCHA v1 IS SHUTDOWN"
# 10:58 prlbr oh, yes. that worked. gracias!
# 11:27 Zegnat You can also just write "a". Probably anything that isn't an empty string.
[stefp], [kevinmarks] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
# 12:17 [unoabraham] Looking for pointers on how to get started.
# 12:17 [unoabraham] The basic idea is to add to a child theme (or create a new one).
# 12:48 [unoabraham] I meant adding Microformats to WordPress theme.
[snarfed], barpthewire and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 16:52 Loqi [kartikprabhu] Minimal example for the `content.html` issue above.
<article class="hentry">
<section class="entry-content">
<p class="entry-summary">This is a summary</p>
<p>This is <a href="/tags/mytag" rel="tag">mytag</a> insid...
# 16:52 KartikPrabhu mf2py substitutes the rel-tag with a <data> element but then the data element shows up in the content.html
# 16:52 KartikPrabhu in php-mf2 the entry-summary to p-summary conversion shows up in the content.html
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 16:57 gRegorLove Other mf1 backcompat it adds the mf2 classes, then parses it as mf2, so yeah the p-summary appears there.
# 16:58 gRegorLove Not ideal, of course, but that's the method it's used since before I worked on it
webchat108 joined the channel
# 17:01 Loqi [gRegorLove] Yeah, it works, but still fails if there's an hentry.entry-content nested in an hentry.entry-content.
[miklb] joined the channel
# 18:39 Zegnat Hmm, does anyone here have admin access to the wiki? I would *love* the ability to create a new page, so I can start a description of the mf2 JSON format as discussed earlier today.
# 18:41 Zegnat Because apparently, I do not have those permissions :/
# 18:44 Zegnat Awesome, looks like I can edit that! Thanks! Grabbing something to drink and then I’ll start putting some thoughts down.
# 18:58 gRegorLove There's some threshold of edits before you can create pages on the wiki. I had to wait a while before I could create my user page :)
nitot joined the channel
[snarfed], nitot, [kevinmarks], [miklb] and webchat108 joined the channel
# 21:03 jmac I'm updating my blog to use h-feed/entry. If I don't wanna display my name to human readers in every post, is it kosher to include a p-author div in every h-entry and set its style to "display:none", or is that a bit dirty?
# 21:05 sknebel many people do that in some way. assuming you have a h-card on your homepage, you should link to that with u-author
# 21:06 Zegnat And for hidden data, rather than CSS-hidden elements, we usually recommend using the <data>-element
# 21:07 jmac Zegnat: That's good, I don't use HTML5ey elements enough to have mentally cache them yet!
webchat108_ joined the channel
# 21:40 jmac I just read what the googles give me, man
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 21:42 jmac I'm a little confused though... the example of that page seems to imply that a web browser will display the content of a <data> element, whereas I want to not display things.
# 21:43 jmac I guess I'd like to see an example of <data> used to store e.g. p-author or p-summary information the way that Zegnat was implying earlier
tantek joined the channel
# 21:46 KartikPrabhu i.e. use an empty <data> element with the value set to the author name
# 21:54 Loqi [Zegnat] #170 Move resolve step last in u-* parsing
# 22:22 gRegorLove We've used h-acme- in other tests if it needs to be something made up, to make it obvious in case anyone tries to copy/paste
# 22:24 aaronpk Tho now someone might think that has to do with letsencrypt
# 22:24 aaronpk I don't understand their reason for using the acronym ACME not as a joke
[asuh], KartikPrabhu, tantek, [tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel