#microformats 2018-04-25

2018-04-25 UTC
tantek_ and [tantek] joined the channel
Up or down. I wonder if a broken UI will be a discouragement or if they’ll try anyway
[jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Could we move the mf wiki to indieauth?
[matthilt], webchat254, [snarfed], [miklb], [mrkrndvs] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Probably not til we upgrade it
[eddie], [mrkrndvs], webchat296 and bdesham joined the channel
Can anyone provide me with examples in the wild of a Microformats2 situation where there are multiple top-level types simultaneously?
E.g., {type: ["h-adr", "h-entry"], properties: ...}
I haven't run into this situation (that I can remember). I'm working on a library that deals with mf2 and I'm wondering if supporting this case is even necessary
[mrkrndvs] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[Matthias Pfefferle] Buzzword-Bingo
bdesham_afk, the also used to be h-as-* for ActivityStream mapping
But this is finally deprecated
webchat296 joined the channel
Yep. I actually couldn't find any good examples of multiple types when I was writing /microformats2-json
Will have a look at your cite&entry
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
That's a solid example
Reading the discussion at https://indieweb.org/comments#Markup_Issues suggests to me that the h-cite and h-entry was more of an either-not-both distinction: external comments are h-cite, native comments are h-entry.
Curious to hear why you went with the double type, [pfefferle]! Maybe update the discussion on the wiki too?
gRegorLove joined the channel
I can see where wrapping comments in a h-feed and so giving the h-entry would make sense
Does that still make sense with the indieweb recommendation of using a comment property on your h-entry though?
Brainstorming for a Comment Microformat
Hmm. I was thinking of the subscribe to comments case, but maybe salmentions make that less important
Actually the brainstorming page seems to list two proposals, one being h-feed and one going without. It seems the indieweb wiki went on to recommend the non-h-feed one. We may need to survey the actual implementations to see what is working.
The advantage of h-feed would be that you could give it a name etc too, for the subscribe to comments case
What would that be? .h-entry > .e-comments.h-feed > .h-entry (and/or h-cite)
[deeden] joined the channel
Yes. I know WordPress and some other blogs do an atom feed per post for comments, though I don't know how used that is.
Phae joined the channel
I use that very occasionally
bigbluehat, adactio and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] I create an rss feed for comments on all student blogs to track interaction in class. When people teach with RSS they usually do the same. One feed per student, one feed per student comments
syamkumar and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
one per post?
so having h-feed in the comments markup to give it a name could be useful if you subscribe to it with an indie reader?
would be critical, if my vision of the indiereader LMS were to come to fruition
or I just subscribe by RSS and match the comments to student but with h-feed it could go right in a reader
[kimberlyhirsh], reidab, [kevinmarks], klez, [jgmac1106], barpthewire, [snarfed], [matthilt], [tantek], kaushalmodi, [eddie], JonathanNeal, twisted`, j12t, ben_thatmustbeme, strugee, ChanServ, bdesham_afk and kennyluck joined the channel
OK, it sounds like I *should* be okay with pretending that the "type" is single-valued
I will proceed that way and change things later if necessary :)
Thank you all for the discussion Zegnat pfefferle kevinmarks
tantek, webchat296, pniedzielski[m], schmarty, CaseD[m] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; webchat296 left the channel
Do try pfefferle's example ought
[matthilt], KartikPrabhu, singpolyma, tantek, [kimberlyhirsh] and kaushalmodi joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I don't know if that counts as "full of"
I see legit posts from 2013 then all of a sudden two spam posts
I completely forgot about that group. apparently I am a member
It happened in all my groups, but as soon as I blocked a few people it all went away, It was spam of the worst order in every teacher group
webchat312 and [matthilt] joined the channel; OS-38070 left the channel
Someone could share the recent posts from microformats.org there, though they're almost a year old.
are any google+ communities not just spam now?
cat photos are never spam (though the attached link, yeah) :)
Heh, fair question
lol google doesn't quite understand what "mute" means
There's one for Feedly that's mostly support requests and helping each other.
"muted" but they're still showing me those posts like normal posts
Reported as spam and it hid the post for me
refresh the page
[miklb], tantek, webchat312 and [unoabraham] joined the channel