KartikPrabhuright now it seems lke the only people with "expected" whitespacing are aaronpk and snarfed. Zegnat is following some algorithm from whatwg (though not in its entirity) and I have no expectations
gRegorLoveMy reading of Zegnat's algorithm gives "Hello World" for the first child (Text node), then for the <pre> it runs the algorithm on its contents, giving "\n one..."
KartikPrabhuthat is the problem with this whitespace thing. There is one set of expectations from aaronpk and there is an algorithm by Zegnat and they don't match. And others have some other expectation
Loqi[Zegnat] It only took 2 months, but I have written a draft specification for handling `textContent` in the microformats context.
The algorithm combines:
* #17, always remove `<script>` and `<style>` elements, replace `<img>` elements, and strip leading an...
sknebelre <pre> tags, there's a good argument for adding newlines after <pre> too (if it doesn't already end with one), since browsers seem to by default treat it as display:block
strugee, jgmac1106, adactio, adactio_, KevinMarks, [jgmac1106], dmcweeney and [eddie] joined the channel
@cswordpress↩️ Still working on adding microformats 2 support to #genesiswp child themes but I'm going to temporarily switch away because I don't want to wait for that to be done to start owning content and incorporating as many indieweb principles as possible on that website. (twitter.com/_/status/1022132264682106882)
KevinMarks, snarfed and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
sknebelif you put "some text <p>content</p>" on a page, you get a newline for the <p>, and the whitespace after "text" gets removed cause there is a newline
sknebelgonna wait for 1-2 more comments on the <pre> paragraph thing (aaronpk, opinions? since it is "your" whitespace repo?) and if they're positive prepare a few test cases. or should I just make a PR against the whitespace repo now, to make it clearer what I mean?
KartikPrabhuaaronpk: that is misleading since browsers also take CSS into context, also the number of "new lines" for <p> from your expectations is different from the algorithm browsers are supposed to use (for example)
Loqi[sandeepshetty] aaronpk: based on the tone of his comment I doubt he will buy anything we have to say :) plus from his own admission ("I don’t write a blog" - https://twitter.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/status/348537348151193600) he is looking more at "apps" than content
[jgmac1106], KevinMarks_, KevinMarks and tantek__ joined the channel
@kickscondorSlurping up lots of HTML, so that I can get comment counts. But the microformats templates in use out there are all over the place. I can’t imagine the number of templates in use across the Indieweb. (twitter.com/_/status/1022242694855311365)
tantekKartikPrabhu: feel free to ignore all the whitespace bugs etc until people have a strong consensus based on examples and reasoning instead of "what people want" literally, just ignore those issues
snarfedhey KartikPrabhu could you please add me to https://github.com/microformats and the mf2py pypi project? i'll get the release out myself if necessary. :(