tantek__or we could continue iterating, specifically test what/how text alternatives are provided for <audio> <video> elements, and see if that can merit a similar solution, or if they need a completely different solution
tantek__OR should we keep such "smarts" out of the parser and "merely" pass along the 'title' attribute in a similar structure (could be an orthogonal issue)
tantek__the higher level challenge I'm trying to figure out is, is there a way to *consistently* provide text alternatives for URL based properties, regardless of what element they came from?
tantek__I am wondering if we can do a little bit more work up front (parsing spec, mf2 parsers) to make it easier for all mf2 consuming code to write more accessibility friendly support
tantek__because "easier for all mf2 consuming code to write more accessibility friendly support" = likely more mf2 consuming code that provides accessible content
tantek__the more precise answer requires answering element by element because they (audio, video, iframe, object) treat "whatever is inside the tags" differently
tantek__and in only *one* case (object) does a *subset* of what is inside the tags (ignoring any param elements) possibly constitute a text alternative
gRegorLoveNot sure I follow exactly (attention is a bit distracted), but it sounds like different issues since the img alt one was about changing the parsed structure
tantek__for audio and video, what is inside the tags is content to use in case the browser has no support for those tags at all, which is different from a "text alternative"
tantek__gregorlove, yes now that we have figured out an improved parsed structure that works for img alt, the question is, can we *re-use* that *same* parsed structure for say iframe title, so that consuming code can be simpler for handling the "text alternative" for an img or iframe
tantek__gregorlove I think you are right in that creating a separate issue (for those) could make it easier to iterate on their design / brainstorming asynchronously, with full knowledge of the accepted solution for img alt, in the hopes that we can re-use the same solution
tantek__perhaps we can at least start with iframe title since that seems like it should map directly into the same "value" and "alt" properties solution in the JSON
tantek__audio and video I'm not sure of the recommended way to provide a text alternative (short of a full transcript), so perhaps they need their own issue just to track the question
tantek__object is more well defined in that regard, but more complex as well. *one* way of authoring an object with text alternative is to put the text inside, like <object>text alternative goes here</object>
tantek__I don't know of any examples either, however given that this approach is prescribed by MDN for text alternative for accessibility, I am more willing to consider specifying it in the absense of specific examples