#microformats 2018-09-18

2018-09-18 UTC
[jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I was confused initially thinking that you meant the <title> of the iframe content html page.
[kevinmarks]: indeed I mean iframe[title]
tantek__, interesting. I think your homepage is the first I've seen a u-attach in an h-event
I knew it was part of hCalendar, just hadn't seen a modern example with mf2
I'm not attached to u-attach TBH
[gRegorLove] #41 Include iframe[title] when parsing a p- value?
tantek__, Did you want a dedicated issue for iframe+title object parsing, or include it in a broader one about iframe, audio, video, object?
gRegorLove: based on my quick research on MDN, we have three different categories for those elements
1. iframe[title] is well documented as a method for providing a text alternative for a11y per https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#Accessibility_concerns
2. object has no equivalent documentation, but has some aspects of specification for fallback content including text alternatives which is potentially much more complex (see my <object> examples above in the logs)
aacording to MDN the <audio> and <video> elements don't have a title attribute
3. audio, video (, and maybe source) elements separate as well, in that their contents are specifically NOT for fallback content / text alternatives, but rather for old browsers that don't support those elements
KartikPrabhu: that's a bit of a tangential distraction. a. 'title' is a global attribute (like 'class'), doesn't have to be explicitly listed on each element definition. b. nothing in audio/video elements says *anything* about using 'title' for a text alternative so we should NOT make up such a semantic
Ok, I can at least make an issue for #1 there
right, 2 and 3 need research and exploration. they would be tracking/question issues at best currently
note that you can theoretically use img, iframe, object, OR video (via poster) to put an image in your content, and thus would likely want to put a text alternative as well
my meta point is that regardless of which of those HTML methods you used, if you put a u-photo (or u-featured etc.) on them, and get a URL as a "value", then ideally you would get the text alternative in the "alt", *regardless* of how each of those specific elements says to markup the text alternative
we seemingly have this figured out for img[alt] and iframe[title]
but not the others
that's my summary of the situation AFAIK, where we are, known unknowns, and where we would like to be (the "ideally" clause above)
[gRegorLove] #42 parse iframe[title] as structure
this will take more research, but I'm guessing there *may* be more detailed instructions (for audio, video, object) for text alternatives in WCAG 2.1
(how to publish)
[gregorlove] if I fogot my alt text that is on me
d9_5 joined the channel
[jgmac1106], No, was listing you as an example of using an alt tag, which the python parser consumed as part of Bridgy
you're all good
sweet I did have: screen shot of aperture and my website trying to be better about this
I stick the u-photo in there so it syndicates to Twitter correctly
if that means or changes anything
[jgmac1106]: that is exactly as intended. the mf2py parser picks up the u-photo and also parses the alt-text to go with it
ZPQ7 and porksandwich6 joined the channel
okay good I almost just panicked as I just thought "does that mean my alt-text" isn't displaying on Twitter....well I offer every post on my blog as well so I think legally I am covered...as long as I remember
obiwahn3, Hydraxis29, tantek, Bat`O_, bb1, barpthewire, [jgmac1106], [schmarty], [eddie], jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], TallTed, [kevinmarks] and Enigmagic18 joined the channel
↩️ I’m old enough to remember the promise of Microformats instead of proprietary app deeplinks
sickill12, jackjamieson, jianghuaw_, [tantek], tantek__ and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel