@webmandesigneuAuberge and Auberge Plus 2.5.3, Forstron 1.8.1, Icelander 1.3.2, Monument Valley 1.6.1 and Q'tron 1.8.1 are minor theme updates fixing RTL stylesheets loading, improving markup and removing microformats in favor of more flexible plugin solutions. (twitter.com/_/status/1045724126630105094)
GWGKartikPrabhu: The same way that sharing can be a like, bookmark, etc... There are types of assertions, but how do you assert something allows the building of that.
gRegorLoveThat seems vague. What does A actually do with that differentiation? An mvp h-review for that scenario would seem to be "Student completed A with B" in-reply-to both A and B.
gRegorLoveI might have misunderstood the scope of your question, but if you want to show that the teacher certified your work, you have the professor's reply on your homework post with whatever message they wrote "GWG completed the criteria"
gRegorLoveAnd you can click through to see the professor's original assertion post to verify it's legit, not just some comment you wrote on your own homework :)
gRegorLoveClarifying question: is an assertion always positive? E.g. if the prof uses this assert-of and references B, does that mean B has met the criteria in A? Or can the prof assert "no, didn't meet the criteria"
gRegorLoveIf they're already sending an h-review, seems there should be some h-review property that can be used/re-used to convey the meaning that the homework met or didn't meet the criteria