2018-09-29 UTC
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 03:09 GWG So, how would you ask someone to review something? u-invitee h-card would be how you'd invite someone to an event.
# 03:16 GWG Let's say I invited them to give you a reference
# 03:17 GWG Or invited them to review an article I wrote
tantek__, [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 11:55 GWG Would an in reply to inside an h-review b
# 11:56 GWG To indicate that the review was solicited?
# 11:57 GWG The subject of the review is p-item
# 11:57 GWG Or reply being the criteria for work being reviewed.
# 11:58 GWG Example: I an reviewing this paper which was in response to this assignment
# 12:00 Zegnat So you would want to link to something that documents the reviewing standards? E.g. for an assignment you could link to the assignment or course grading guide? That doesn’t sound like a reply to me
# 12:00 GWG I am trying to map this out for jgmac1106's use case and mine
# 12:02 Zegnat u-item = page being reviewed. p-rating = rating according to the scale used...
# 12:02 Zegnat Wondering if something like u-rating-guide makes sense?
# 12:02 Zegnat For an assignment that could link to the assignment’s description of requirements.
# 12:03 Zegnat For something like a film, it could link to a guide that says how things like play length or scariness affect score.
# 12:03 Zegnat But maybe I am trying to make the property too generic
# 12:10 GWG And the other scenario is a badge as a review. But the badge being a separate url
# 12:16 Zegnat What is the reason for the badge being a different url from the review?
[tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
# 12:21 [tantek] Zegnat, I wouldn’t worry about expanding h-review until folks start trying to post them and run into limitations
# 12:22 GWG Zegnat: You are giving the same badge to multiple people
# 12:23 GWG For example, jgmac1106 giving it to his entire class.
# 12:23 Zegnat I would have thought the h-review could function as the badge itself.
# 12:26 GWG So, the badge has multiple p-items?
# 12:27 GWG Sort of prevents being specific about your feedback to one person
# 12:28 Zegnat If you need to give the same thing (“thank you for showing up to the first class!”-badge), use multiple items. If everyone needs separate feedback, send them separate reviews. I guess I don’t understand what a secondary badge page can do that the review I am already sending can’t do.
# 12:30 sknebel establish a link so you can easily see everyone who got an x-badge?
# 12:31 sknebel but yeah, since h-review seems fitting I'd say just start building and see what happens
# 12:32 Zegnat you could have your website colate h-feeds of h-reviews from the same assignment. But do those need to be discoverable from the h-review itself?
# 12:33 Zegnat h-feed of h-review objects that are all about assignment one. Each having a u-item with a link to the work that was reviewed.
# 12:33 Zegnat That is true, sknebel, but I think that gets into the bigger federated issue
# 12:34 GWG Well, the idea is that you post the badge itself before you give it out
# 12:37 [eddie] So then the badge is tied to the assignment, could it be part of the assignment page?
# 12:37 Zegnat Hmm. So could you have the “badge” be a page that has the assignment requirements on it?
# 12:37 GWG That is pretty much what I'm suggesting
# 12:37 GWG But, the question is how you indicate that in the review
# 12:37 GWG The review therefore refers to two things
# 12:37 Zegnat is slowly getting the picture, sorry if I am making you repeat things GWG
# 12:38 GWG So, how would you indicate each relationship?
# 12:38 GWG That was why I said, maybe in-reply-to and p-item
# 12:38 GWG Or you'd end up needing a new property
# 12:38 GWG Or something else as yet unthought of.
# 12:39 Zegnat item is definitely the thing you are reviewing. I am not sure if marking it as a reply to the assignment makes sense though... hmm...
# 12:41 GWG Zegnat: Then, you have jgmac1106 asking how you mark up criteria in an assignment.
# 12:41 GWG But that's a separate part of the question
# 12:42 Zegnat Yes. That’s more the general question of marking up curricula. Which really needs documentation on existing publication formats, and consumer use-cases.
# 12:43 GWG I'm not worrying about that right now
# 12:43 GWG I'm worrying about the other scenario, but keeping it in mind as a future issue.
# 12:43 Zegnat For now I’d say just have the assignments as h-entry, possibly with a u-photo for a badge, if that is what you need in this specific use-case.
# 12:44 GWG Only about the relationship between review, what is being reviewed, and how it is being reviewed(criteria)
# 12:46 Zegnat I feel like you aren’t reviewing to the criteria. Someone could actually comment on the criteria if they have questions, so I wouldn’t use in-reply-to
# 12:46 Zegnat It may make sense to have a special property for reviewing criteria. And I wonder if there are examples of review websites that already link to their own review guides
# 12:47 Zegnat Possibly? I am not sure how generic of a word “criteria” is in English.
# 12:48 GWG We really need an a-z list of mf2 properties
# 12:48 Zegnat You could even then do .e-criteria.h-entry if you want to embed your criteria in the h-review and not link off-site. Although we have established that the badge will sit on a different page to the use-case here will be u-criteria.
# 12:48 Zegnat I think I prefer guidelines ... but I will defer this to native speakers
# 12:49 GWG Looking at h-resume... experience, :w
# 12:49 GWG Experience, skill, affiliation, education...
[dougbeal] joined the channel
# 12:50 GWG [Rose]: Trying to figure a word to indicate the relationship there
# 12:51 [Rose] Yes, I had audio issues yesterday so missed probably the most important part of the discussion
# 12:51 GWG This is just what the term is. Criteria was used by jgmac1106. Guidelines, requirements..
# 12:52 GWG By the way, the textbook definition of criterion is "a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided"
# 12:52 GWG Which seems to work. It isn't a requirement.
[shurcool] joined the channel
# 12:59 Zegnat Sounds good to me. I’d say: get testing with it :D
jackjamieson joined the channel
# 13:01 GWG I'd need to build reviews overall
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 13:09 Zegnat That sounds overly specific to academics to me. But again, I may be looking at it too general. I would like the same property to be used e.g. by reviewing sites
# 13:12 [kevinmarks] Being specific is important - get the concrete examples first, then abstract
[scottgruber], [schmarty], [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 14:08 GWG [kevinmarks] I'm going to build reviews for my site, and I want to build this in
tantek__, [kevinmarks], [schmarty], [chrisaldrich], [tantek], [shurcool] and [dougbeal] joined the channel