#microformats 2018-10-23

2018-10-23 UTC
ben_thatmustbeme and [dave] joined the channel
Argh. It’s physically painful how much I want to update the microformats wiki. [tantek] how much currency do I need to bribe you to update it from recaptcha v1 to something else, or switch to indieauth?
[eddie] joined the channel
It's a chain reaction thing
tho conceivably someone could at least write a new recaptcha plugin for the current MW
the challenge there is getting a dev environment set up with an old enough PHP to run that old MW version to write the code
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell aaronpk Can you update this plugin on the wiki? Should fix the Special:Version page https://github.com/gRegorLove/mediawiki-entry-title-override/commit/953d33d75c524c7624a9148925af50f08fe2fe50
edited /mediawiki-customization (+607) "/* How to */ list plugin details for upgrading, minimum MW version, and plugins we can get rid of"
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edited /mediawiki-customization (+69) "/* Upgrade MediaWiki */ Switch skin to Vector"
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edited /mediawiki-customization (+65) "/* Upgrade MediaWiki */ update PHP"
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knock on wood, the upgrade process might not be too bad. A couple plugins won't be needed afterward.
[frank] and [tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk gregorlove it may be possible for admins to create user accounts for people
cc [dave]
[Rose] joined the channel
gRegorLove: might be good to first try at a subdomain? new.microformats.com
tonz, [sebsel], [tantek] and [calumryan] joined the channel
dislikes "new" and "old" for naming, because eventually you have another one, and then is it new.new? or old.old?
to be blunt, "new" and "old" doesn't scale over time in naming/names so you should avoid them except for irony
tantek__ joined the channel
Welcome to the microformats wiki!
[Vincent] joined the channel
[tantek] how about “current” and “previous” (by date) ?
as in previous projects ordered by date for archiving purposes.
[Vincent] for deployment purposes I've often seen use of "staging." or "dev." for prefixes
for domains
tantek__ and [Rose] joined the channel
We have "foundation", "q" and then the main one (production) at work, or dev and production
(Foundation is the playground, Q is quality control)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Rose, good to hear actual examples like that. Perhaps consider adding that example to a section in https://indieweb.org/deployment ?
When I'm not at work if I remember I will :)
[tantek] yup. We use exactly that in Gov.uk. .local -> .dev -> .staging -> .uk(live)
[frank] joined the channel
Local dev at work for me is oli.sto (just because I could), staging is olisto.int (internally)
[Rose], [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I use staging, production, and sandbox for my company.
[tonz] joined the channel
can we maybe turn off the captcha thing and require manual review of new accounts for a while?
[pfefferle], tantek__, [tantek], [chegalabonga], [eddie], bradenslen, [lauren], jgmac1106, KartikPrabhu, jackjamieson, [Marco] and sebsel joined the channel
+1 for staging. I usually use that.
jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu, ben_thatmustbeme, [asuh], [pfefferle], [chegalabonga], [Rose] and [dave] joined the channel