#mblaneyI think it's an interesting idea, look forward to hearing more about it as people come up with pros/cons.
#mblaneyThe answer to why not just use RDFa would be that mf2 is still a semantic layer on top of that format. It's an extension to bring it to the same level as class based mf2.
[dave] joined the channel
#[dave][tonz] missed your message earlier but I also noticed the XFN page being blank. If you append /11 to the url it shows the 1.1 version of the spec. Not sure who to bug about it other than [tantek]
#sknebelyeah, its been like that for a long time now :/
[schmarty], [kevinmarks], [Vincent], [tonz], [tantek], jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [sebsel], [pfefferle], [markmhendrickso, [eddie], [chrisaldrich] and [dave] joined the channel
#[dave]I'm trying to decide if there should be `rel` tags on my indie web ring links or not. It feels like `rel="group"` would be fine on the link to the webring home page but I'm not sure if `friend` or `colleague` are exactly the right fit for the prev/next links
#[dave]The word 'cohort' keeps popping into my head
#KartikPrabhuif the only intention is to indicate the prev/next link the webring then rel-prev and rel-next should work
#[dave]The meaning is that they’re fellow group members, so somewhere between acquaintance and colleague I think, but some may be complete strangers. It doesn’t help in this instance that the prev/next links aren’t actually prev/next so much as random
#KartikPrabhuhmm. then I guess there is no need for extra markup since there isn't a consuming use-case yet
#[jgmac1106]I want to combine, well I couldn't do it, what [sebsel] and @zegnat are working on and say a post is only available to people in a rel=group or a specific p-org in their h-card