#microformats 2018-12-17

2018-12-17 UTC
[kim_landwehr], [eddie], ChiefRA and [Marco] joined the channel
jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and [Vincent] joined the channel
Hmm, looks like Firefox dropping the old microformat-shiv.js ? ^^^
yeah. guess with webextensions its not relevant for plugins anymore either?
I am not even sure that was even callable from within modern webextensions
barpthewire, [kevinmarks], [grantcodes], [tantek], [Vincent], [eddie], Tin2, [cleverdevil] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
jgmac1106_ joined the channel
Zegnat, frankly it was out of date per all the parser / test case fixes, and we lost the community member who was maintaining that.
In some ways it is better to *not* have a broken out of date parser out there that someone might try using and see fail on current published microformats2
It's perhaps a good example/lesson about projects that only have a single primary contributor, who isn't personally dependent on the project themselves (selfdogfooding).
(i.e. not sustainable)
I've given a heads-up to the Moz/Firefox devs who helped land and test the code to see what their opinions are with how to proceed.
Including the question Zegnat implied about is it callable from within modern webextensions
j12t, jgmac1106_, [cleverdevil], jackjamieson, [adamprocter], metbril, gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], [pfefferle], [chrisaldrich] and barnabywalters joined the channel
I have a question about backcompat wording: on /h-card it says " author - including compat root vcard in the absence of h-card" - does that mean the parser should treat it as if there was a vcard, even if there isn't?
the hentry page says author always has to be a vcard
but if it weren't and there's only the name (e.g. <span class="author">name lastname</span>), pretending there is a vcard class too makes the output worse
oh, I already had opened an issue for that :D https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/13
[sknebel] #13 author backcompat: always vcard?
Interesting. Looks like both PHP and Python parsers treat it as if adding an explicit h-card to the classes, then parse it, so they get the implied name.
Go doesn't
I didn't dig into the Python code, just basing that on the parsed results.
right, I was fixing that
to use vcard instead of h-card
and then noticed that it causes the described problem
I'm not sure which is correct, honestly. Adding an implicit h-card seems like a decent idea, vs. implicit vcard then do the parse.
Though that complicates backcompat, so maybe not. :shrug:
implicit h-card would loose all the properties though?
or some hybrid parsing?
I think the best would be to clarify to not add a vcard
if there is one, it can be usefully parsed
if it's wrongly missing, return the string and hope it's the name
I guess in edge cases one might be able to find a url too when implying, but since it was intentionally choosen to not do implied properties for backcompat there's also good reasons not to
[tantek], [Vincent], [eddie], [jgmac1106], [cleverdevil], jgmac1106 and [matpacker] joined the channel
nothing was meant to be added there I think
"compat root vcard in the absence of h-card" means if there is no h-card, then explicitly look for the presence of "vcard" for backcompat parsing of a nested hCard
sknebel it sounds like this (https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/13) is an editorial issue. It appears you found a way to misinterpret the current spec text, so we should change it to avoid that misinterpretation. Nowhere in there does it say anything about implying a vcard
[sknebel] #13 author backcompat: always vcard?
I didn't see another reason to explicitly mention vcard there
the reason to explicitly mention it is that explicitly *looking for it* is part of backcompat handling
but my mental model of how it works is very much from how it's implemented in the parsers I've looked at
does "explicitly looking for it" mean "only handle vcard here"?
no one should be implying a "vcard". ever.
no means only handle vcard here if there is a "vcard" in the class names
then I feel it is redundant, since the parsing algorithm already describes how backcompat parsing works
just as "author" means look for "author"
no it is not redundant because backcompat nested objects are only as defined, not in general
backcompat property nested objects that is (as opposed to just children)
so only handle vcards, not other roots, in author properties?
indy joined the channel
like you can't have "author hentry" and expect it to do anything. in fact it must not affect the author (because no mf1 parsers would)
or rather it should just be treated as a plain "author", and separately, an "hentry" for backcompat
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
In mf1 we did define explicit embedded formats in a few places (which was part of the single vocabulary idea, and mirrored existing nesting in some of the older fonts we were basing them on)
okay, that makes that fix a bunch more complicated
In mf2 we flattened as much as possible, but added a generic embedding mechanism with conventions.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
okay, that's not something I fix today then, needs more brain power
hm, php and ruby are also adding h-cards for a naked <span class="author">
that seems like extra work
so just to be 100%: <div class="hentry"><span class="author">Max Mustermann</span></div> should return an author property with the value ["Max Mustermann"], not a nested object?
yes that is what was intended.
hAtom itself made the "author vcard" pattern required for publishers, which means parsers did not have to ever imply anything
hAtom 0.1
jgmac1106 joined the channel
yeah, I saw that
note that the "simple" Atom author element just has a name, that's where we allow the simple interpretation as well for hAtom author: http://www.atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/#recommendedEntryElements
if you wanted to express name and email and URL for example like in http://www.atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/#recommendedFeedElements then you would have to use "author vcard" to do so
hm, from a quick skim of the translation lists there's a few more instances: hreview reviewer, hresume contact and hresume education (with vevent instead of vcard) - I guess they can all follow that principle, if the latter two even have any practical relevance still
hevent location
as in vevent > location vcard
for general wording, I'll reread the spec and my GH issue again when I'm fully awake and see if I can come up with a short clarification note to add somewhere, given that 3 parsers are adding roots where they shouldn't
probably good to come up with test cases like that one you wrote above for the other backcompat objects and nested hCards
jgmac1106 joined the channel