#microformats 2018-12-18

2018-12-18 UTC
[manton], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Huh, interesting. This is one of those instances where older code in php-mf2 shaped my understanding and (mis-)reading of that hentry author backcompat.
The backcompat there replaced "author" with "p-author h-card"
sounds like backcompat can't be done with simple replacement rules then?
I think it can, but I'll have to dig into it. Might be simler, no compound replacements, just author -> p-author, vcard -> h-card, etc.
hmmm the mf2py replacements were adapted from the earlier php-mf2 ones so they could be compatibly updated
jgmac1106, [manton], [jgmac1106], [tantek], metbril, [kevinmarks], gRegorLove, [Marco], lucasp, barpthewire, TallTed and jackjamieson joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
↩️ Those who gravitate to these projects can throw themselves into learning HTML/CSS or even coding languages if they want to build advanced features. microformats and h-feed make basic plumbing stupid simple. Can use #IndieWeb third-party solutions for… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/those-who-gravitate-to-these-projects-can
chrisaldrich, [eddie], [kevinmarks], [adamprocter], [tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[eddie], [jgmac1106], [adamprocter], KartikPrabhu, [matpacker] and quarky joined the channel