#microformats 2018-12-29

2018-12-29 UTC
[relapse] joined the channel
Question about h-resume. Should publications be listed under p-experience w' h-cite?
[Khurt], [asuh], chrisaldrich, ben_thatmustbeme, cheim, [tantek], barpthewire, sebsel, sebsel_, metbril and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[relapse] I just used <cite> and <h-cite>though I wrapped entire citation in <cite> rather than just the title
May not matter since <cite> meant for inline or quoting but I didn't see point of just wrapping title in <cite>
[relapse] joined the channel
I don’t think publications need to go in a separate property. But interesting question. I’d say: test and document your experiences. But just having h-cites as nested children of an h-resume seem like a pretty clear relation already, at least to me.
jgmac1106, [Khurt], barpthewire and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yeah @zegnat but h-cite calls for a <cite> just around the title. That feels weird
I was commenting only on [relapse]’s original query whether it would make sense to use p-experience for publications
How you do the HTML is up to you, mf2 doesn’t even care about that, it only cares about the classes ;)
[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I experimented first with cite around the entire citation and just found that it worked poorly in practice
if you can figure out how to make cite work well for an entire h-cite (including styling, additional semantic markup etc.), please document your results
[kodepoeten] and metbril joined the channel
Okay, will do, spent some time just investigating Jen's query about <cite> and the answer is no, there is no agreement.
The most common pattern is the anchor link (think Wikipedia) creative commons ignores <cite> completely in their tutorials.
Bloggers use <em>, small, or cite after or in blockquotes
But different channel just interesting
[tantek] is the <cite> necessary in h-cite? What is purpose?
No it is not necessary. As Zegnat noted, no specific HTML tag is "necessary" for mf2. You should be using HTML tags for their own intrinsic semantic benefit (if any), and no more.
The real question to ask is what does using any specific markup do for you or your site? Is there consuming code that makes use of it and if so what and how?
[schmarty] joined the channel
i identify with the desire to come up with the "correct" markup for something new from scratch, using what you know about HTML and microformats. it also seems pretty common.
over time i have finally begun internalizing the "what is the consuming case?" question
building a mental list of consumer that i want to provide the best experience for.
i started with indiewebify.me, then on to bridgy publish, then individual people's websites that show responses (including my own), and beyond. these days i mostly care about aperture / monocle / indigenous.
so when i am trying to markup some new content or page, i think of those first, and test with them until i am happy.
and if i'm working on something outside of those mf2 consumers that i know, i tend not to worry about it.
i might take a stab at a best-guess, but it's very likely that, assuming someone does build a consuming case, where i want my content to be handled well, they'll have a different idea of what "correct" mf2 looks like, and i'll have to rewrite mine anyway.
There is no IndieWeb version of something like https://www.altmetric.com/support/almetric-api/
And I guess a webmention to each citation would require a permalink for each pub... Which would be interesting idea...
is unsure what any of that means & just blames his headache
It means Greg is babbling causing headaches
[tantek] joined the channel
50 років тому Франка Віола відмовилася виходити заміж за свого ґвалтівника. Це змінило традиції й кримінальний кодекс Італії .https://was.media/uk/microformats/franka-viola/
[jgmac1106], [pfefferle], [schmarty], [tmiller], [nick], barnabywalters, [Khurt], [tantek] and [asuh] joined the channel