#microformats 2019-01-13

2019-01-13 UTC
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I made this for diffing json in js - something equivalent in PHP could be handy https://gist.github.com/kevinmarks/dd62a4b96b4ad5b2e1dc1f8665322921
[kevinmarks], see my previously linked GitHub PR, probably more specifically https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/pull/163/files#diff-91cc8480e73d8542730b88fd199de459R19. Though that was written more with PHPUnit in mind for automated testing than just PHP
[tantek], chrisaldrich, mblaney, barpthewire, [kevinmarks], [schmarty], [pfefferle], [eddie], [smerrill], nitot, KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil], [Rose] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
My microformats parser now has fifteen (15) passing tests, parses rels & rel-urls from the web, from local disk (via URI), and from code string. https://cjwillcock.ca/2019/01/13/748/
My microformats parser now has fifteen (15) passing tests, parses rels & rel-urls from the web, from local disk, and from code string. So far, so good.: https://cjwillcock.ca/2019/01/13/748/
based on the discussion of yesterday about using JSON files for golden testing, I decided that using JSON in almost any way for the tests creates an unnecessary coupling to the JSON encode/decode functions. So I'll switch to testing with the internal data structures and their representations for the most part and drop in some JSON testing later (much later)
I've begun adding some things sourced from the microformats-test-suite. I highlighted the license that covers that material in my project README - hopefully that's done properly. Now I want to take this opportunity to thank all contributors sincerely. I'm enjoying this so much and obviously it couldn't be done without all your prior art, both in and outside the tests!
Thank you all
KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil], nitot, [eddie], [Rose] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel