2019-06-01 UTC
[eddie], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], billbennettnz, nloadholtes, chrisaldrich, [tantek], twisted`, JonathanNeal, [frank], [kevinmarks786], [grantcodes] and tylergaw joined the channel
# 17:04 aaronpk Yes, sounded like "microformats" in the larger sense of the word, since they mentioned microdata as one of the examples of microformats
tylergaw_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 20:36 [jgmac1106] I ignore any mention of data and SEO.. Never our crowd if it's about artificial traffic inflation
gRegorLove, chrisaldrich, [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 22:47 [tantek] generally agreed [jgmac1106] - we've learned that appealing to search engines is not a healthy sustainable use-case
# 22:49 infominer[m] Yes, ive found google responds rapidly to quality content, and no seo besides twitter/og images
# 22:49 infominer[m] As long as they have your site map, then they know how often you update, and are pretty sharp about it
# 22:50 infominer[m] Im experiencing from the ground up
# 22:50 infominer[m] Since march
# 22:51 infominer[m] Now have hundreds of organic visits, and am increasing impressions rapidly
# 22:55 infominer[m] good link
# 23:02 [jgmac1106] Yes Google's SEO advice now.. Have a title... Good structure, and a summary. For most of human literate history (only a blip in our timeline) we called this good writing not SEO
# 23:04 infominer[m] haha! mobile, speed, accessibility, whitespace, readability... site structure... and all the technical optimizations, and making your site communicate w more of the web
# 23:04 infominer[m] and connecting with different communities
# 23:04 infominer[m] there are a lot of softish skills in there
# 23:05 infominer[m] well, in the old days we used 3-5 paragraphs a page and tiny type
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 23:05 infominer[m] now it's big type, fonts, lotttat white space
# 23:05 infominer[m] sure but not for seo value
# 23:06 [tantek] maybe more relevant for the indieweb-chat channel? this is not really about microformats any more
# 23:06 [jgmac1106] But why let one company define metadata and truth? Why I did microformats
# 23:06 infominer[m] which to me, seo just means it needs to be readable by human and machine on a wide range of devices
# 23:11 [jgmac1106] Oh infominer another community norm if someone "nudges" you to another channel you should follow
# 23:11 infominer[m] oh yes? I just went back to work, hehe, didn't notice the invitation :)
# 23:12 [jgmac1106] Sometimes it's community gardening but usually it's someone wanting off record in #chat or knowing others in a different channel are interested
[fluffy] joined the channel