#microformats 2020-04-20

2020-04-20 UTC
[tantek], gRegorLove, beko, [prtksxna], KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106], [xavierroy], [Michael_Beckwi], andysylvester, mauz555, [KevinMarks], bigbluehat and [jgarber] joined the channel
Hello, all! It’s been a while, so apologies if this has been covered recently.
There are a few open PRs on microformats/tests that would be super helpful to have reviewed and merged (where it makes sense):
The two from [jansauer] look good to me, but I don’t have write permissions to that repo to make the merge. And, for the third, someone else should review my work. 😄
[jansauer] #110 Add mixed tests for v2 microformats
[jansauer] #109 Reflect the parsing rules for src and alt attributes on img elements
[jgarber623] #112 Normalize example.com URLs in input and output
[gRegorLove] Catching up on old conversations:
I can take a look at the ruby.microformats.io repo and see if I have access to make updates.
[tantek] and [Molly] joined the channel
Hi [jgarber]! I'll take a look at the tests repo this week
And much appreciated on the ruby site. Looks like [shaners] added dependabot which is now making PRs to update some libraries.
[gRegorLove] Perfect, thanks!
Yep, I saw that, too. I’ve pulled down the Ruby website’s repo and am digging through test failures before attempting dependency updates.
/cc [shaners] or any other Rubyists who’d like to review.
[jgarber623] #65 Fix app and spec errors
(Looks like I’ve got merge approval rights on that repo… 😬 )
rmdes, andysylvester, [jgmac1106], [Aaron_Klemm], rasch and [KevinMarks] joined the channel