mauz555, [Aaron_Klemm], [tantek], Sajesajama, Sajesajama_, strugee, p9930526c6, [LewisCowles], [fluffy], chrisaldrich, [Arne], [prtksxna], [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#bekoAnyone can point us to what is going wrong that reply to a comment of are filed as a mere Mention and don't show up as comment for me? This is really confusing. Something is missing and I suspect it's a p-comment on the comment children. This part is still magic for me.
#Loqi[Beko Pharm] I’ve to admit I’m really curious about House of Leaves by now. Doing a lot of reading it never occurred to me to re-read passages or putting notes into a book at all. BTW I really like what you’re doing with your blog @crystal. Will you also en...
#ZegnatAh, gotcha, I was looking at the wrong side of the conversation :D Let me have a quick look while I have a lull in my workday
#bekosorry, my fault. I'm bad in expressing myself in English
#ZegnatYeah, the problem is probably with the comments not being identified as anything but an h-cite. I would add some sort of comment property to it.
#ZegnatEven then the consumer on your end will still need to know what to do with h-cites.
#bekoI think that works when I compare to others. I mean the comments don't nest but they work mostly. I get comments from Bridgy (TW/Mastodon) and other blogs just fine.
#ZegnatBut I am wondering if this is not being caused, in part, by the comment being written within WordPress. I think how a lot of IndieWeb sites would handle this is to post a new in-reply-to note that replies to yours. This way the reaction has its own URL and can (more easily) be parsed.
#ZegnatIt is then up to consumers to put it in the right place in a threaded display
#ZegnatAnd by “within WordPress” I mean within the comments section of the site.
#ZegnatSomeone who has actually recently run WordPress with IndieWeb tools can probably shine more light on that, if you ask in #indieweb-wordpress :)
#[jgarber]The draft PR depends on the open PR so I’ll update it once the first is reviewed/merged. Both should be relatively “safe” to merge so I can let them sit for a bit and merge if there are no objections.
#[jgarber]The README indicates that pushes to `master` on that repo auto-deploy to Heroku. I don’t have access to the Heroku dashboard for the application, so should something go sideways, we’d need some help.