#microformats 2020-04-21

2020-04-21 UTC
mauz555, [Aaron_Klemm], [tantek], Sajesajama, Sajesajama_, strugee, p9930526c6, [LewisCowles], [fluffy], chrisaldrich, [Arne], [prtksxna], [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Anyone can point us to what is going wrong that reply to a comment of https://chicky.blog/immensely/ are filed as a mere Mention and don't show up as comment for me? This is really confusing. Something is missing and I suspect it's a p-comment on the comment children. This part is still magic for me.
What is showing up weird where, beko? I don’t think I follow. I see 1 mention being linked on that page, and it is https://twitter.com/onomatopoptart/status/1252041756276858882. Did you expect that one to show up as a comment?
[@onomatopoptart] The Prison Book Club continues reading House of Leaves, over and over and over. (https://chicky.blog/immensely/)
Zegnat: The replies are coming back as "mention" not as "comment" and do not sort nice into the comment stream for me on https://beko.famkos.net/2020/04/20/89660/ and I think it's because of the markup at https://chicky.blog/immensely/
[Beko Pharm] I’ve to admit I’m really curious about House of Leaves by now. Doing a lot of reading it never occurred to me to re-read passages or putting notes into a book at all. BTW I really like what you’re doing with your blog @crystal. Will you also en...
Zegnat: thanks for taking a look :)
Ah, gotcha, I was looking at the wrong side of the conversation :D Let me have a quick look while I have a lull in my workday
sorry, my fault. I'm bad in expressing myself in English
Yeah, the problem is probably with the comments not being identified as anything but an h-cite. I would add some sort of comment property to it.
Even then the consumer on your end will still need to know what to do with h-cites.
I think that works when I compare to others. I mean the comments don't nest but they work mostly. I get comments from Bridgy (TW/Mastodon) and other blogs just fine.
But I am wondering if this is not being caused, in part, by the comment being written within WordPress. I think how a lot of IndieWeb sites would handle this is to post a new in-reply-to note that replies to yours. This way the reaction has its own URL and can (more easily) be parsed.
It is then up to consumers to put it in the right place in a threaded display
And by “within WordPress” I mean within the comments section of the site.
Someone who has actually recently run WordPress with IndieWeb tools can probably shine more light on that, if you ask in #indieweb-wordpress :)
Thanks for checking. I think so too.
[KevinMarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
beko: "mention" vs "comment" is probably whether the post has an in-reply-to URL, but this is more #indieweb-dev anyway
[LewisCowles], [grantcodes], jacky, [Michael_Beckwi], [prtksxna] and [jgarber] joined the channel
I’ve got an open PR and a draft PR on the microformats-parser-website-ruby repo that could use some review if anyone has the time:
The draft PR depends on the open PR so I’ll update it once the first is reviewed/merged. Both should be relatively “safe” to merge so I can let them sit for a bit and merge if there are no objections.
[jgarber623] #66 Update application dependencies
[jgarber623] #65 Fix app and spec errors
merged 65
strugee joined the channel
aaronpk: Thanks!
[schmarty] joined the channel
GitHub’s struggling at the moment, but will update 66 when the service is back up and running.
aaronpk: GitHub was up just enough for me to get 66 ready to go. https://github.com/microformats/microformats-parser-website-ruby/pull/66
The README indicates that pushes to `master` on that repo auto-deploy to Heroku. I don’t have access to the Heroku dashboard for the application, so should something go sideways, we’d need some help.
I have access to it on heroku
Ah, good good. Okay, 66 is ready for review at your (or anyone elses) convenience.
[Sadik_Shahadu], [LewisCowles], bigbluehat, voxpelli, JonathanNeal, justache, [KevinMarks], [aaronpk], Loqi_, aaronpk_, gRegorLove, IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [Zegnat], Sajesajama__, [prtksxna], rmdes, [jgmac1106], [mapkyca], mauz555, [chrisaldrich], [tantek], KartikPrabhu and hober joined the channel