#microformats 2020-04-24

2020-04-24 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
[Aaron_Klemm], mauz555, KartikPrabhu and SpencerDub joined the channel
Last php-mf2 release was in 2018. I see no problem with cutting a new release with the work that has been done since then, even if there are still a couple issues open
hairykitty, KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles], [mapkyca], Sajesajama, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks] and Sajesajama_ joined the channel
I have a json differ somewhere in js, what lang do you want it in?
I recursively walk the example json and compare with the returned and give a compressed json structure with green tick marks when the subtree matches.
note that it won't tell you if the shiny version has extra keys though
my use case was being sure that the keys that the old API returned were still there
Try to remember...why does the PHP-MF2 parser replace images in the e-content with the alt-text and with the alt text being parsed out, should that stop?
Shouldn't in e-content only in p-content.
Oh, you mean in value - that should be the same as p- parsing and use alt for img
joshghent joined the channel
I love that the srcset conversation continues
[jgarber] joined the channel
Yeah! That’s a fun discussion.
[tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: I wonder if it is too early to talk video and audio tags as objects
Excuse me
busy today gwg, but always happy to talk about stuff I knowlittle about
[jgarber]: I wonder if it is too early to talk video and audio tags as objects
[jgmac1106]: Autocomplete
GWG, only too early if there’s no previous discussion / research on use cases
Quick search on GitHub (microformats/microformats2-parsing repo) for picture, audio, and video doesn’t yield any obvious previous discussions.
Could be worth opening an issue for discussion.
[tantek]: That is what I wanted to discuss..a place to put the research
I always consider an issue a good place for that
And Zegnat did some use case/proposed research on the wiki
There are some parsing rules for audio/video elements in the u- properties portion of the spec. Nothing for the picture element and no mentions of handling `srcset` attribute (discussion ongoing on GitHub) or mention of parsing `<source>` / `<img>` child elements.
Did I research video and audio? I do not even remember if that is the case, hahaha!
I think wikis are better for collating research
Zegnat: lol
Issues are poor for that because is a series of diffs with no summary
Ooh, yeah, I researched video in jf2 for feed purposes
Should I open an issue for discussing advanced media element parsing on microformats/microformats2-parsing?
I would stick it on the wiki, especially if you have no idea what shape it would take yet or have no prior art / use-case yet. I think the microformats/microformats2-parsing issues function best when they are actual proposals
moralityauction1 joined the channel
right. the srcset issue has been laying around for so long because people said "oh, interested", but nobody even said anything how they'd want to consume the data
sknebel: For me, I often want to pick the largest quality version of a photo if I'm caching, because I can generate the other resolutions myself
With the same concept on video.
will you cache the video poster as well gwg?
[jgmac1106]: I'd like to, yes
I wouldn't cache the video, but the poster, yes
For me, a lot of this is for jf2/microsub parsing
Specific use case for things like podcast URLs/h-feeds where I want to be able to pick from the audio version, video, etc.
[TimApple] joined the channel
Would someone (gRegorLove, perhaps?) have time to review this small PR on the microformats/test repo? Fixes a recently-introduced URL issue: https://github.com/microformats/tests/pull/114
[jgarber623] #114 Fix unresolved relative URL in output JSON
weird, I thought I had permissions on that repo
I do not have write access either. Thought I was part of the microformats org. But maybe only for php-mf2
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Oh, sknebel, the Parser Development team does not have access to the tests repo! https://github.com/orgs/microformats/teams/parser-development/repositories
gRegorLove, chrisaldrich and mauz555 joined the channel
OK, done that
[chrisaldrich], [snarfed], [tantek], vesper11, [benatwork], mauz555, [tw2113], [KevinMarks], LisaMorales, KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove joined the channel