2020-08-25 UTC
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 01:18 tantek edited /h-card (+1697) "editorial: replace examples with examples from hCard spec, upgrade a few links to https, drop redlinked h-card-feedback as a place and link to mf chat archives and github issues instead" (
view diff )
eddiehinkle joined the channel
[eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 01:29 [tantek] h-card cleaned up a bit (editorial) for now. I'll take a look at h-feed tomorrow GWG (it will take more work to get it into similar shape)
# 01:30 GWG [tantek]: I'll have to read it now that there is something new
# 01:31 [tantek] minor updates though I included a much bigger example in the properties section which will hopefully be more illustrative to more people
[snarfed], KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], [fluffy], [tantek], ivc, [James_Gallaghe], [Murray], willnorris, voxpelli, bigbluehat, [Rose], peterrother, indy, [KevinMarks], [Zegnat], floridafruitgeek, [manton], [Jose_Leiva], [Sue_Hanen], [Ana_Rodrigues] and [asuh] joined the channel