#microformats 2020-10-29

2020-10-29 UTC
[tantek], [fluffy], [chrisaldrich], [antonio], maxwelljoslyn, binyamin, voxpelli, willnorris, KartikPrabhu, fLaMEd, maxwelljpslyn, iwaim, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove, sebbu and [Denver_Prophit] joined the channel
If I create an article based on someone else's article research, which type should I define as repurposed content?
[10:20 AM] In schema, it's subjectOf I believe. Not sure in MF2 I'm reading https://indieweb.org/posts and need guidance. 😃 Thanks!
I'm thinking
How to Upgrade Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
<a class="u-bookmark-of h-cite" href="https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-12-04-lts-to-ubuntu-14-04-lts">
```<div class="h-entry">
All that wrapped within an article
Need to modify that. Let's say this is in the footer and I'm citing sources for my article...
Target html5 snippet like
<p>It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.</p>
First sentence in <cite><a href="http://www.george-orwell.org/1984/0.html">Nineteen Eighty-Four</a></cite> by George Orwell (Part 1, Chapter 1).
Could I modify to
<p>It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.</p>
First sentence in <cite class="u-bookmark-of h-cite"><a href="http://www.george-orwell.org/1984/0.html"><highlight class="p-name">Nineteen Eighty-Four</highlight></a></cite> by George Orwell (Part 1, Chapter 1).
↩ī¸ Going to write an article about your post. I'll be including json snippets. (at) mentions will be an ID url pointing to wikidata to define indirect entities, subjectOf ur article, microformats2 syndicate my tweet & ur tweet and class="u-bookmark-of h-cite" pointing to ur article.
↩ī¸ Why Microformats2? I've implemented https://indieweb.org/ I think that protocol is more awesome than simple WP comments! https://indieweb.org/WordPress But I use static website builder. So, it's all hand coded! =)
u-bookmark-of indicates it is a bookmark post. If it is an article, it would just be a h-cite
If it is in response to the article, it could be u-in-reply-tp
gRegorLove, [tantek] and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
hey Denver, thanks for asking questions - this is the right place to do it - but it's hard for me to follow your examples line by line. would be eaier if you made a post, or a temporary section on your indieweb wiki profile, to compare your proposals & support your question
jmac, [Denver_Prophit] and [schmarty] joined the channel
I think `<blockquote class="h-cite">` is what you want for anything your citing in your article. Your article would have `class="h-entry"` wrapping it all, including the citation.
parsed result is an h-cite nested in an h-entry
maxwelljoslyn, [asuh], vesper11, vesper and [KevinMarks] joined the channel