#microformats 2020-10-30

2020-10-30 UTC
[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Any outgoing link is considered a "mention". Microformats markup like u-in-reply-to is only for adding extra semantics like "this entry is a reply to this url". sites that display webmentions will often display these separately from likes or replies as simply "mentions", similar to the way Wordpress blogs show pingbacks.
[Denver_Prophit] joined the channel
↩️ [schmarty] https://awesomeopensource.com/project/aaronpk/webmention.io wm-property `mention-of` seems most appropriate for citing a source in my creativework. IMHO
↩️ Sorry forgot to click to send to channel.
mention-of is not an mf2 property
it's just something in webmention.io's API to signify plain mentions
what is that link! It's like a scraped version my my github readme with ads on it?
cool cool glad someone else is making ad money off my project
[aaronpk] I did see your name. I thought it was you. Darn scrapers!
[aaronpk] joined the channel
What exactly are you trying to do?
I don't understand the desire to find something in mf2 that maps to a schema.org property
[aaronpk] Start an article that is based on someone else's and expand upon it. Bring in the capability to webmention in the correct way.
Like make edits to it? Or is it more of a reply? More importantly, what do you expect the author of the original post to do if you tell them about yours
[aaronpk] Expand upon https://www.seobythesea.com/2014/01/entity-associations-websites-related-entities/ with code snippets and other things the author may have missed and correctly cite the source. IF they enable webmentions I just want to ensure it's done right. I'm still learning mf2 and indieweb. 😃
okay I think you're overthinking it
the only reason to add machine readable structure and markup is if machines will do something interesting with that markup
[aaronpk] maybe so? Well, the way I've coded jekyll with some php is write a json, filter wm-property types for display in comments by type.
so unless you expect their blog to do things like insert your edits inline in the original, just write a blog post and tell them about it. if you want to have a chance of your post showing up on their comment section, use „in-reply-to“ since you‘re basically writing a reply
[aaronpk] ok thanks! I wanted something similar to pingback/trackback anyway.
It took a while to learn schema.org and write JSON+LD. Been doing that since 2005. Now, I've been exposed to this and I'm a newbie again. 😃
Everything that's old is new again
GWG sadly, all videos and posts I see come from at or before 2018 with a majority in 2014 so there's that.
[Denver_Prophit]: All videos or posts about microformats or something else?
GWG indieweb implementations & HOWTO and more over, convincing influencers I know it's worth the effort like Bill Slawski who has done public speaking at moz and other places.
[Denver_Prophit]: We have IWC East coming up. Maybe you want to propose a microformats topic
That would be wonderful GWG and implement some of those proposed properties I saw for h-entry.
[Denver_Prophit]: Have you registered?
We don't charge, we just want to know how many Zoom subscriptions to pay for
GWG Not registered. I'm truly camera shy! So, I hope I don't have to show my ugly mug. 😃
[Denver_Prophit]: No, of course not. We are fine with people keeping their cameras off.
Even their microphones
GWG My angle or hobby is technical SEO. This new / old tech I need to learn how the additional content affects the creativework. Like Google announcing their patent to extract passages and what may trigger one. I'm also a front-end web developer.
[Denver_Prophit]: We are open to anyone.
We like to bring in different perspectives
[aaronpk] & GWG question about in-reply-to? https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/re-citizen-of-indieweb example has reply body. IF I write a 1500 word whitepaper, well... Replies are supposed to be piffy?
Are they?
[Kartik Prabhu] To me it means: have a domain name and post content on it. Everything else is a bonus. #indieweb #indiewebcitizen
They don't have to be.
1500 words? That would make the receiver end's content bloat.
[Denver_Prophit]: Yes, but that's the decision of the receiver on how to display
if you reply is very long, maybe consider making it an article and including a p-summary
Also a good point. Add a summary and be friendly
That makes sense and how I should code how to receive replies on my end.
GWG, still... I'm curious how I can credit citations Chicago style and encourage others to do the same. replies just don't seem logical? ``<cite class="u-comment h-cite">`` Something like that.
You can mark things up Chicago style.
GWG I suppose? If I code a comment to not display the body & just the summary, that takes away from the whole purpose of making a basic reply, doesn't it?
Like "I really enjoyed your article! I have question xyz" as a comment from another website.
[Denver_Prophit]: if there is a summary then show summary and link to actual webpage with the reply (if it is too long), if there is no summary display the whole reply.
[Denver_Prophit]: Not everything is monolothic. It is different things to different people
For the second you might want to restrict the word/character count if you want
KartikPrabhu I disagree. When you write an article and cite sources, Chicago style, only certain things are entered. `in-reply-to` doesn't seem to fit that purpose. I guess I need to understand how to display a webmention that is actually a citation of mine/someone else's article using MF2 and webmention.io extracts the json. I'm learning what that might be with just a simple h-cite I guess. Still reading as much as I can.
KartikPrabhu My endpoint code looks for wm-property and runs through conditionals as to how to display that webmention
The `u-comment h-cite` above doesn't seem correct. u-comment is usually used when marking up replies from other sites on your post
[Denver_Prophit]: yes replies are not the same as citing articles (Chicago style or otherwise)
Not aware of any special parsing/handling of h-cite if someone receives a webmention with it
Consumers of h-cite is actually something we're looking for, to advance the h-cite specification from draft status
[gRegorLove] that's been my quandary all day long. 😃 The reason I cited schema subjectOf or isBasedOn
GWG There's a topic for your zoom. h-cite MF2
[Denver_Prophit]: I think h-cite mf2 is well-developed it is just that no one is consuming and displaying citations to their own posts
I'd love to be able to display comments and other sites that cite my article
KartikPrabhu I'm thinking of the whole internet being able to list websites that cite their article similar to how google scholar can do.
sure. If someone want to actually consume h-cite then yes it should be brainsotrmed
Because, then, I can create a comment entry on my site and make a in-reply-to and expand their content with my thoughts.
but it is more about consuming and displaying not the mf2 spec per se
I don't follow KartikPrabhu? In my website code, I need conditionals to display various types of webmention types. Can you expand what you mean?
right. so it your use case for consuming the mf2 markup of some other website which has cited your post
KartikPrabhu and vice versa. Extending the conversation and crediting the source.
for replies that has been pretty much settled by people consuming in-reply-to
you want to do the same with just citations
but still that is not an issue of the mf2 spec but ow you would like to consume the mf2 markup
KartikPrabhu correct! Add a section to my content that aggregates the total citations and then markup, chicago style in mf2.
right. I don't think anyone else has had that use-case yet
I just show those as mentions
The remote end would need to send information to populate the citation
sure the sender would have to have mf2 markup
KartikPrabhu there's an HTML5 element spec for cite. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/cite
so they would have a h-entry inside which there is a h-cite for your post
yes I know about the HTML cite element
Sorry I didn't know you well enough to know if you knew or didn't know. 😃
no worries
but your question is more about how you should consume it
if the sender has no markup then I don't think there is anyway
KartikPrabhu the sender and receiver. I hadn't seen any writeup about how to go about it.
yes, there isn't any writeup because no one yet has expresed interest in consuming just a h-cite
As [gRegorLove] mentioned, it's in draft. When I do research articles, I cite my sources and went them to get credit and link back. Make sense?
Just as the other side should then be able to aggregate cites and display them in a way they choose such as Chicago style.
yes. I undestand your use-case. I am saying it is a new use-case, so there isn't any guideline yet
Very productive. I'm glad to know it's in draft. I had been asking all day long. lol For now, I'll just mf2 h-cite and worry about the webmention, later. 😃
If the h-cite is nested in h-entry, which I'd expect, parsing and displaying them is going to be difficult since you have to look through all the nested h-cite objects and compare their URLs to yours
vs properties like u-in-reply-to and u-bookmark-of, which parse as properties of the h-entry itself, and are easier for consumers to do somethin gwith
gRegorLove when I read the purpose of u-bookmark-of it was not defined to cite an article. Neither is u-in-reply-to. `<cite><a href="http://www.george-orwell.org/1984/0.html">Nineteen Eighty-Four</a></cite> by George Orwell (Part 1, Chapter 1).` Is what I'd like to have. extending cite class of h-cite and all the other portions within the tag getting it's appropriate attributes like name, url, date, et al.
I'm not suggesting using u-bookmark-of or u-in-reply-to. Those are incorrect for that use-case
Just comparing how those properties are easier to consume vs the h-cite in the `children` of that parsed example^
[gRegorLove] is this getting closer? http://php.microformats.io/?id=20201030034548769 Not sure what to put for last accessed time that you'd find in a citation?
All properties are optional, so you don't have to publish it. It would be the date/time that you accessed the URL you're citing though.
That h-cite looks fine, but that would be a standalone citation -- no content/commentary of your own.
I thought you were talking about citing things within your articles
Which is my second example
you probably want the content of the citation in the h-cite like my example, too
[gRegorLove] I usually posts my citation sources at the end of an article. Not within it. So, it would be a `<aside>` inside the `<article>` I think.
Sure, I'm talking about parsed results not necessarily visual appearance on the page
Your citations are associated with your article, so I'd expect you'd want them to parse inside the h-entry. Otherwise consumers would parse an h-entry and then one or more h-cites, no connection between them.
Correct. I left out the parent for brevity sake 😃
The main thing I was trying to show with the 'full' example is that the citations are child elements, so harder for consumers to do something with
Sorry my thinking is pairing json data file with a jekyll partial to iterate x number of sources I'd cite in my article.
Usually are less than 5. Nothing mammoth to deal with there. 😃
On the other website, though... there could be hundreds of bloggers citing that source.
Doesn't wikipedia do something similar to citations with superscript and a list at the bottom of the article?
I just think it would be nice for webmention to kick in if someone cites my article. Something for me to display in interactions
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Understood. You would need to build something to consume the h-cites. Most implementations currently would show "[url] mentioned this"
Heading out for the night
[gRegorLove] I guess so. I use a php script to write json from webmention.io and conditional on the `wm-property` So, I'm lost on how to implement how I'd like to display citations of my article and uniformly document how to consume that webmention? My site cites sources. Their site adds new webmention that stands out from the other webmention types as h-cite. "123 sites referenced this article and list out the website, url,
dt-published etc. I hope that's explaining what I'm wanting to do?
KartikPrabhu, [fluffy], [chrisbergr], jeremy, Phae, mauz555, [Rose], JohnBeales, [capjamesg], jamietanna and gRegorLove joined the channel
[Denver_Prophit] webmention.io usage would be a conversation for #indieweb-dev (#dev on Slack)
[chrisaldrich] and [Denver_Prophit] joined the channel
Yep [gRegorLove] I just wanted to make sure that I got the microformat down first.
JohnBeales, mauz555, [KevinMarks], Phae, [chrisbergr], jamietanna, [fluffy] and [tantek] joined the channel