#microformats 2021-02-19

2021-02-19 UTC
If I'm adding a jpeg image to an h-entry, I'd use `<img class="u-photo">`. What if the image is embedded svg? I'm using `<svg class="e-photo">`.
a data URI with u-photo might have better results for consumers who aren't expecting that
oh i guess that doesn't work with an SVG in the HTML itself
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
That wouldn't include the <svg> element, you may need a wrapper
Svgshare.com uses img for svg
Right, but I don't use `img` markup, at least not all the time. Sometimes, I inline the `svg` markup.
Artoria2e5__ joined the channel
edited /rel-syndication (+26) "use latest template to link to u-syndication"
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edited /h-entry (+19) "/* Core Properties */ id u-syndication"
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created /u-syndication (+35) "r"
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Tantek Çelik
And Loqi thinks it's the h-entry, which is really weird.
no I had to create the redirect
Also to be clear, the `u-photo` class is only intended if the image is the primary content of the `h-entry`, like a photo post. Doesn't have to be added to every <img> or <svg>
yeah that seems like it comes up often enough that it needs some explicit clarification
Good point. But in my case, for one of my articles, the primary content is two svg graphics.
Thing is, I sort of forgot that e-* doesn't include the element itself. So I need to add a wrapper element. Dang.
And I've used that pattern elsewhere, too. So I gotta track that down and add a wrapper there, and I wonder if that's going to screw up my css. Dang dang.
if your goal is for them to show up in readers, e-content on the h-entry is probably enough (assuming the readers don't aggressively filter html elements)
I suppose that's true for h-entry. I've also used e-logo for a logo in an h-card. I don't know how much that matters.
pengolod, jacky, bigbluehat, ben_thatmustbeme, JackyAlcin[m], hendursa1, jalcine[m], batkin[m], wombelix[m], jamietanna[m], bw3, [KevinMarks], willnorris, voxpelli_, peterrother and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; jacky left the channel
↩️ I don't mind at all, considering it takes time to learn HTML, too. What I can't wait for is for Microformats 2 to be included in the basic literature.
hendursaga joined the channel
Idea of the day: a semantic flag that news authors can add to their articles indicating the paragraphs recapping the events so far (so anyone following the unfolding story can skip them and get to what’s new). #microformats
hendursa1, hendursaga, TallTed, [Ana_Rodrigues], bw3, [snarfed], jacky-, jeremycherfas, jamietanna, timotimo, btrem, [tantek], pengolod and [KevinMarks] joined the channel