btremJackyAlcin[m] What is the microformat that can handle opening hours? I was under the impression that it wan an effort that got started, but never finished.
jackyby not specifying names, you could just show a "blocked off" region versus having to worry about munging names together (if they're closed for lunch, for example)
btremI agree, it'd be nice to have something. At the time, I couldn't really come up with an opening hours spec that would work for the seemingly endless variations.
btremPart of the problem is that visible data is rarely in a machine readable format, so opening hours vocabularies rely on hidden data, and the visible and invisible tend to fall out of sync.
jackyI do notice Square making this easier for shop owners (since they directly are involved in that - versus stores going in to first vouch for a place then keep those hours in sync)
btremYeah, when it started, we were told a few months and everything would be sorted out. I was less optimistic. I figured the better part of 2020, *maybe* a bit into 2021, but it'd be nearly over. I did not imagine it would go on for this long. And I was being intentionally pessimistic.
btremThere won't be any hard end to this catastrophe. It will sort of gradually get better. But it's hard for restaurants e.g. to determine "ok, now we should start rehiring." So things are very tenuous.
btremYeah, I was trying to write up example code, and ran into a problem. How do you markup the time for a day? The datetime attribute can be just a time, but then how do you attach that to a day of the week?
jackythough I've been rewriting parts to make my homepage _also_ done via mf2 so it can pick and choose how to render things (on the presence of a property, for example)
btremI'm going to read up on h-feed and maybe try to create hours for the restaurants I used to work at. I find problems when I have real data to work with.
btremYep, Amoeba. I will go there one day. And spend too much money. But not any time soon, because (a) pandemic, and (b) unemployment. But someday. :)
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btremLike, on the home page, I have the 10 most recent articles. And on /articles/ is the list of all articles. And on /articles/2021/ all articles from this year. So can/should I have h-feed markup on each of those pages?
btremSpeaking of which, there's no .p-name on the home page because there's no convenient name. I could add one in the html and hide it via css, but is there any reason to? What is the value of .p-name in .h-feed?
btremHmm, maybe I need to specifically name it on my home page, then. I think I need to read a bit more about h-feed, specifically what parsers do when there isn't a p-name.