#microformats 2021-04-06
2021-04-06 UTC
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu, [scojjac], [tantek], [fluffy], tomlarkworthy, hendursaga, [KevinMarks] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# ↩️ Indeed. I was a massive fan of microformats. Back when I was a front-end web developer, I took care to make everything semantic and fit stuff into the relevant microformats, but that broke down when my colleagues had to make changes to the code later. ( twitter.com/_/status/1379388640602820609)
[KevinMarks], [tw2113_Slack_], TallTed, [Murray], [chrisaldrich] and [tantek] joined the channel
[fluffy], PauloPinto, KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# ↩️ I recognise that problem - the answer is to add integration tests that check they're still there. That's what was done with the microformats markup in mastodon, and it has stayed active. The mf2 classname prefixes help a bit too. ( twitter.com/_/status/1379483605320220673)
[chrisaldrich], PauloPinto, [tw2113_Slack_], ivc, strugee, btrem, KartikPrabhu, [Rose], [tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich] and hendursaga joined the channel
strugee joined the channel
[fluffy] joined the channel